Waste Management

Drinking water and wastewater infrastructure, appropriation

Energy and Environment Cabinet, PFAS, best management practices, guidance

Hazardous waste facilities, environmental emergencies, notification of local officials

Metal recycling facilities, explosion and combustion control program

Off-site construction or demolition waste disposal, permitted area, increase

Residual waste facilities, environmental remediation fee, allowable uses

Residual waste generators, local determinations, industrial wastes, waste sites

Solid waste management service companies, confidential business information, definition

Solid waste management service companies, confidential business information, nondisclosure

Solid waste management service company, registration and report, submission, confidentiality

Solid waste management service company, registration and report, submission, requirement

Waste management district boards, counties with consolidated local governments, service limitations

Waste management district boards, directors, service after expiration of terms, limitation

Waste management district boards, directors, service after terms expire, limited authorization

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)