Budget and Financial Administration

Abandoned home pool fund, establishment

Budget reserve trust fund account, digital assets, reimbursements

Coal severance tax, coal county paramedic scholarship fund

Court fees for indigent persons, Finance and Administration Cabinet payment, requirement

EMS Professionals Foundation Program fund, creation

Financial Incentive Review Committee, establishment, duties

Fiscal note, requirements

Government contracts, responsibility of bidder, determination, criteria

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, cost-of-living adjustment for KERS and SPRS retirees

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, supplemental payment for KERS and SPRS retirees

Local school districts, salary increase for eligible employees

Protective orders, attorney's fees, Finance and Administration Cabinet payment

Public postsecondary institutions, immunity from claims, removal

State Investment Commission, investment authority

Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program, litigation proceeds, support

Wrongful conviction compensation fund, establishment

Youth vaping, cessation and enforcement, litigation proceeds, support

Last updated: 2/7/2025 3:52 PM (EST)