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2025 Regular Session
2025 Regular Session Index Heading
Index Heading - Elections and Voting
Elections and Voting
Advisory Redistricting Commission, establishment
House Bill 628
Board of Elections, preclearance county, declaration
Senate Bill 233
Campaign finance reports, requirements, online publication
Senate Bill 174
Campaign funds, allowable expenditures
House Bill 45: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Campaign funds, allowable expenditures, security measures
House Bill 373
Candidate filing forms, signatures, requirements
House Bill 341
Candidate filings, signature requirements
House Bill 472
Candidate filings, write-in candidates, deadline
House Bill 684
Candidates, bona fides, challenges
House Bill 341
Candidates, certification, deadline
House Bill 699
Candidates, certification, required documentation
House Bill 341
Candidates, certification, requirements
House Bill 699
Candidates, information required
House Bill 684: House Floor Amendment (1)
Candidates, notification and declaration, requirements
House Bill 684
Casino gaming, local option elections
House Bill 33
Constitiional amendment, limits on taxation and spending, ballot language
House Bill 756
Constitutional amendment, assessment or reassessment moratorium, ballot language
House Bill 797
Constitutional amendment, ballot initiatives, establishment of right of the people to propose
Senate Bill 115
House Bill 335
Constitutional amendment, child pornography and racketeering, prohibition, creation
House Bill 753
Constitutional amendment, homestead exemption for owners 65 or older, ballot language
Senate Bill 67
Constitutional amendment, pardons and commutations, Governor's ability, limitation
Senate Bill 126
Senate Bill 126: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Constitutional amendment, preconviction pardons, Governor's ability, limitation
House Bill 394
Constitutional amendment, property tax exemption, active-duty military and veterans
House Bill 503
Constitutional amendment, property tax exemption, homeowners 65 years old or older, ballot language
House Bill 94
House Bill 134
Constitutional amendment, property tax exemption, veterans and first responders, ballot language
House Bill 158
Constitutional amendment, right to reproductive freedom, creation
House Bill 751
Constitutional amendment, state and local, excise, sales, or use tax, exemption, ballot language
House Bill 267
House Bill 729
Constitutional amendment, tax exemption or elimination, ballot language
House Bill 198
Department of Kentucky State Police, political activities, participation permission
Senate Bill 267
Election manager, salary, election cost, compatability of office
Senate Bill 233
Eligibility to vote, mentally incompetent, constitutional amendment
House Bill 246
Eligibility to vote, proof of identification
House Bill 180
House Bill 684: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 684: House Floor Amendment (2)
Excused in-person absentee ballot, requirements
House Bill 405
Excused in-person absentee voting, caregivers, requirements
House Bill 684
Expenditures, payment to intermediaries, prohibition
House Bill 412
Foreign nationals, contributions, independent expenditures, ballot measures, prohibition
House Bill 45
Senate Bill 206
Gender-neutral language
Senate Bill 143
House Bill 510
General Assembly, terms of members, limit
Senate Bill 146
Hand-to-eye audit, video surveillance, disposal
House Bill 684
House Bill 684: House Committee Substitute (1)
Independent school district, board of education, establishment
House Bill 162
House Bill 297
Kentucky Restoration of Voting Rights Task Force, establishment
House Concurrent Resolution 67
House Concurrent Resolution 67: House Floor Amendment (1)
Senate Concurrent Resolution 89
Local boards of education, candidates for office, partisan requirement for office sought
House Bill 169
Local boards of education, eligibility
Senate Bill 66
Mail-in absentee ballot, issuance, procedure
House Bill 684
Marijuana convictions, expungement
Senate Bill 33
Office of Election Investigations and Security, establishment
House Bill 455
House Bill 455: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Political issues committee, prohibited sources, reporting, record retention, requirements
House Bill 45
Senate Bill 206
Political issues committee, reporting, requirements
House Bill 45: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Political party endorsement, ballot, website
House Bill 169: House Floor Amendment (1)
Political yard signs, planned communities, authorization
House Bill 27
House Bill 222
Precinct consolidation plans, precinct officers, number required
House Bill 684
Property tax rate levy, recall process
Senate Bill 186
Proposed constitutional amendment, healthy environment, inherent and inalienable right
House Bill 470
Public question, advocacy, penalties
House Bill 254
Restoration of voting rights and civil rights, automatic, constitutional amendment
Senate Bill 225
House Bill 773
State representative districts, precinct boundaries
House Bill 670
Synthetic media, electioneering communication, prohibition
Senate Bill 4
Senate Bill 4: House Committee Substitute (1)
House Bill 672
Synthetic media, electioneering communication, remove
Senate Bill 4: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Voter assistance, permanent basis, determination
House Bill 684
Voter residence, city, elections
House Bill 693
Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM