Environment and Conservation

Air quality monitoring, data collection standards, admissibility in enforcement actions

Air quality monitoring, emissions, fees

Cabinet for Economic Development, Office of Outdoor Recreation Industry, establishment

Conservation district, watershed conservancy district, audits

Criminal atmospheric pollution, prohibition, enforcement

Healthy Soils Program, Healthy Soils Program fund, Division of Conservation, establishment

Heat illness prevention, outdoor employees

Landowner, sport fishing license, exceptions

Nuclear energy, clean and dispatchable means of providing baseload electricity, declaration

Ozone attainment redesignation, Jefferson County and surrounding areas, urging EPA approval

PFAS chemicals, reporting requirements

Plastic convenience items, prohibition

Solar electric generating facilities, county land area occupation, 1% cap

Solid waste management plans, residual waste generators

Surface coal mining, reclamation, long-term treatment, additional bond requirement

Tick-borne diseases and illnesses, awareness

Unlawful release of balloons, creation of offense

Waste management district boards, counties with consolidated local governments, service limitations

Waste tire program, used tire sellers, exemption, removal

Waters of the Commonwealth, definition

Last updated: 2/7/2025 3:52 PM (EST)