Military Affairs and Civil Defense

Commission on Military Affairs, job training for veterans, report

Commission on Military Affairs, occupational licenses for veterans, report

Cosmetology, licensing, military personnel and spouses

Division of Emergency Management, joint agreement with Kentucky Fire Commission, requirement

Educational benefits, veterans and their families, expansion

Employers, mandatory posting of veterans' benefits document

Gender-neutral language, addition

Green Star flag, designation

Honor and Remember flag, emblem of remembrance, designation

Kentucky Emergency Volunteer Corps, creation

Kentucky National Guard, memorial highway designation, Franklin County

Kentucky state veterans' cemeteries, National Guard and Reserves, interment eligibility expansion

Military healthcare personnel, bridge program to become licensed healthcare professionals

Military pensions, income tax exclusion

Motor vehicle usage tax, vehicles purchased by active duty service members, exemption

National Guard, deployment, border protection, restrictions

National Guard, workers' compensation, psychological injuries

Property tax, exemption, active-duty military and veterans, proposed constitutional amendment

Senator Aaron Reed, Navy SEAL service, recogition

State historic battlefield sites, hunting, prohibition, exception

Threat Response and Accountability Task Force, creation, membership

United States Navy, commemoration of 250th Anniversary

U.S. Army, commemoration of the 250th anniversary of its founding

Vehicle use tax exemption, purchases by military and National Guard members from Kentucky dealers

Veteran-Owned Small Business and Entrepreneur Loan Program, creation, fund

Last updated: 3/13/2025 11:37 PM (EDT)