Parental Rights

Child Care Assistance Program, establishment

Child Care Assistance Program, income eligibility

Child custody, gender-neutral language

Child custody, gender-neutral language.

Child custody, gender-neutral language

Child support, gender-neutral language

Civil liability, personal injury, weapons and destructive devices, establishment

Disability, involuntary termination, prohibition, establishment

Equal parenting time, presumption, removal

Facilities use by students, individual privacy, parental request

Family impact statement, requirements

Gender dysphoria, treatment, children

Gender-appropriate pronouns, parental request, usage

Human sexuality instruction, parental right to opt student out of instruction

Human sexuality programs, parental rights, opt out

Involuntary termination, parent with a disability, prerequisites, establishment

Medicaid residential waiver services, use of video recording devices, permission

Name change of child, legal relationship with parent, requirement

Paid parental leave for employees, employers with 50 or more employees

Parentage fraud, Class B misdemeanor, elements

Parental consent, child health and mental healthcare

Petition for domestic violence order, determination of paternity, authority

Posthumous adoption, financial benefit, prohibition

Posthumous adoption, judgment

Primary caretaker, dependent child, alternative to confinement

Primary caretaker of a dependent child, conditions of sentence, counseling, treatment

Primary caretaker of a dependent child, eligibility

Primary caretaker of a dependent child, finding, effect on another proceeding

Psychotropic drugs, prescribing to children, consent

Puberty instruction, fifth grade and below, authorization

Rebuttable presumption related to child dependency, neglect, or abuse, establishment

Relative and fictive kin care program, program reporting requirements

School communication, traceable communication system, notice and instructions to parents

School materials, complaint process, removal

Siblings, visitation, petition

Social media platforms, app stores, app developers, parental consent

Treatments to minors inconsistent with sex, repeal prohibition

Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM (EDT)