Secretary of State

Advisory Redistricting Commission, establishment

Application for an Article V convention, transmission

Article V Convention to amend U.S. Constitution, collection of commissions and oaths

Candidate filing forms, signatures, requirements

Candidate filings, signature requirements

Candidate filings, write-in candidates, deadline

Candidates, certification, deadline

Candidates, certification, required documentation

Candidates, information required

Candidates, notification and declaration, requirements

Cannabis, constitutional amendment, procedures

Classified employees, salary increases

Constitutional amendment, assessment or reassessment moratorium, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, ballot initiatives, establishment of right of the people to propose

Constitutional amendment, child pornography and racketeering, prohibition, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, eligibility to vote, mentally incompetent, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, homestead exemption for owners 65 or older, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, pardons and commutations, limitation, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, preconviction pardons, limitation, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, property tax exemption, homeowners 65 years old or older, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, property tax exemption, veterans and first responders, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, restoration of voting rights for felons, automatic, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, right to reproductive freedom, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, slavery and involuntary servitude, prohibition, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, tax exemption or elimination, ballot language

Constitutional amendment, term limits of members, ballot language

Eligibility to vote, proof of identification

Grant database, creation, administration

Hand-to-eye audit, reporting deadline

Jailer service cards, issuance

Kentucky Restoration of Voting Rights Task Force, member

Local transient room taxes, electronic filing standards, development

Local transient room taxes, electronic payment standards, development

Local transient room taxes, standard form, development

Notice of intent, sale of open blockchain tokens

Office of Election Investigations and Security, reporting

Political party endorsement, ballot, website

Property tax, exemption, active-duty military and veterans, proposed constitutional amendment

Proposed constitutional amendment, healthy environment, inherent and inalienable right

Securities, digital assets, classification and treatment

State property, gender-neutral language

State property, gender-neutral language, insertion

Taiwan, relationship with Kentucky and the United States, commendation

Unclassified employees, employment by constitutional officers

Last updated: 3/13/2025 11:37 PM (EDT)