Universities and Colleges

Animal research and testing

Antisemitism combating policies, antisemitism definition, guidance

Antisemitism combating policies, antisemitism definition, requirement

Antisemitism combating policies, Jewish organization recognition, requirement

Antisemitism combating policies, public postsecondary education institutions, requirement

Bias incident investigations, permissibility

Boards of regents and trustees, faculty evaluation process, creation

Boards of regents, gubernatorial appointees, Senate confirmation

Bridge program for military healthcare personnel, development

Capital project threshold, increase for various transactions

Civil actions related to the enrolling aliens illegally present

Comprehensive universities, distinction from research universities, removal

Comprehensive universities, doctoral program approval, expansion of criteria

Comprehensive universities, doctoral program approval, process and criteria

Comprehensive universities, permission for any doctoral program approved by CPE

Council on Postsecondary Education, air traffic programs, study, establishment

Council on Postsecondary Education, dissolution

Council on Postsecondary Education, immigration data, collection and report

Council on Postsecondary Education, program approval

Council on Postsecondary Education, program approval restrictions, indoctrination

Deadly weapons, postsecondary institutions, power to regulate concealed carry, repeal

Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, prejudicial treatment or benefits

Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, student admissions, prohibition

Diversity, equity, and inclusion omnibus prohibitions, exclusion of data collection from scope

Diversity, equity, and inclusion prohibitions, exclude academic freedom

Diversity, equity, and inclusion prohibitions, exclude unaffiliated scholarships

Diversity, equity, and inclusion prohibitions, preserve college affordability programs

Diversity, equity, and inclusion prohibitions, profession and county of residence, inclusion

Diversity, equity, and inclusion prohibitions, restriction of resource use, limit to appropriations

Diversity, equity, and inclusion spending, periodic compliance audit

Diversity statements, permission to consider, prohibition to compel

Dual credit scholarship, eligibility

Eastern Kentucky University, osteopathic medicine program, authorization to offer

Education Professional Standards Board, teacher preparation programs

Employment contract, term limitation, removal

Employment contracts, allowable years

Equal education opportunity goals

Foreign terrorist organizations, student organization support, definition

Government services, taxpayer funding, recognition

Government services, use of the word "free," prohibition

High-demand baccalaureate programs, statewide transfer pathways, creation

Historically black college and university, Metropolitan College participation, income tax credit

Illegal alien, compensation with state tax dollars, prohibition

Immunization policy, opt out, students, staff, faculty

In-state tuition, aliens illegally present in the United States, ineligibility

Intercollegiate student-athletes, institution affiliated corporation compensation, authorize

Intercollegiate student-athletes, institution compensation, authorize

KCTCS, bridge program for military healthcare personnel, development

Kentucky Community and Technical College System, appropriation, General Assembly consideration

Kentucky Community and Technical College System, authorization of capital construction funds

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, reorganization

Kentucky Nuclear Energy Development Authority, grant program, establishment

Kentucky residency, condition on U.S. citizenship, national resident, or permanent resident

Kentucky State University, capital construction funds, authorization

Kentucky State University, Integrated Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture PhD program

Murray State University, veterinary medicine programs, authorization to offer

Name, image, and likeness agreements, student-athletes, modification

National Guard, call to active duty, permission to withdraw without penalty

National Guard Tuition Award Program, dependents, inclusion

Open meeting requirements, substantial compliance, voidable actions

Opioid antagonists, access, public postsecondary educational institutions

Performance and productivity evaluations, faculty removal

Performance-based funding; formula

Postsecondary comprehensive funding model, square footage calculation, leased property exclusion

Postsecondary education institutions, foster and adopted students, requirements

Postsecondary education institutions, housing unstable students, requirements

Postsecondary education working group, meetings, frequency

Postsecondary education working group, membership

Postsecondary education working group, membership, schedule to convene

Postsecondary institution boards of regents, appointees, Senate confirmation

Private postsecondary institutions, KEES eligibility, restrictions

Private sector partnerships, exclusion from scope of diversity, equity, and inclusion prohibitions

Public entity, required political contact, prohibition

Public postsecondary audits of diversity, equity, and inclusion spending, penalty for second offense

Public postsecondary education, diversity, equity and inclusion activities, omnibus prohibitions

Public postsecondary education, diversity, equity, and inclusion, limitations

Public postsecondary education, diversity, equity, and inclusion, private civil action, removal

Public postsecondary education institution, student-on-student harassment policies, notification

Public postsecondary education institutions, employee compensation publication, removal

Public postsecondary education, student-led organizations, faculty sponsorship, protections

Public postsecondary education, use of resources on diversity, equity, and inclusion, civil action

Public postsecondary employees, qualified official immunity, waiver for non-law enforcement

Public postsecondary institutions, immunity from claims, removal

Public postsecondary tuition and fees, restriction of authority of governing board to increase

Public universities, program offerings, uniform authority

Public universities, uniform boards of trustees

Race-based admissions policies; prohibition

Reemployment of retired officers at public universities, exemption from retirement contributions

Research universities, distinction from comprehensive universities, removal

Sanctuary policies, prohibition

Scholarship program, coal county paramedic

Sexual extortion, notice to students, poster

State comprehensive universities, appointment of president, requirement

Student Teacher Stipend Program, loss of eligibility, notification

Teacher preparation programs, three-cueing system of instruction, prohibition

Teacher Recruitment Student Loan Forgiveness Pilot Program, repeal

Teacher scholarship program, repayment obligations, nullification

Teachers' retirement, service credit, optional makeup days, religious holidays

University of Kentucky Cannabis Center, cannabinoid beverages, study and report

University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, education, youth, urban agriculture, promotion

University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, urban agriculture, youth, education, promotion

University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, National Science Foundation grant funding, support

Veterans, academic credit for military training

Veterans, access to early course registration

Western Kentucky University, research doctoral programs, ability to offer up to five programs

Western Kentucky University, research doctoral programs, authorization to offer up to five programs

Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship Program, expanded degree program eligibility, education

Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM (EDT)