Federal Laws and Regulations

Air quality monitoring, data collection standards, admissibility in enforcement actions

Annual mental health wellness examination coverage, parity requirements, compliance

Child Care and Development Fund, state plan, eligibility

Daylight saving time, exemption

Federal occupational safety and health regulations, corresponding state regulations

Firearm ban, enforcement by state and local government, prohibition

First Amendment, discrimination in financial services, social credit score, prohibition

Gun Control Act of 1968, repeal of restriction on possession of firearms by medical cannabis users

Immigration law compliance, requirement

Kentucky National Guard, release from state, congressional action, restrictions

Ozone attainment redesignation, Jefferson County and surrounding areas, urging EPA approval

Poultry, exemptions, farmers, sales, Poultry Products Inspection Act

Refundable income tax credit, federal firearm taxes

Sanctuary policies, prohibition

Sanctuary policies, public postsecondary education institutions, prohibition

State and local compliance with federal request for background checks

Unconstitutional acts, right to nullify

United Nations Pact for the Future, opposition

United States Department of Agriculture, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, waiver

Users of medical cannabis, possession of firearms

Waters of the Commonwealth, definition

Last updated: 2/7/2025 3:52 PM (EST)