Traffic Safety

Automated license plate reader, data usage and retention, 60-day limit, exceptions, restrictions

Automated license plate reader, permitted uses, data usage

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones, flashing signage

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones, pilot program

Automated speed enforcement in highway work zones pilot program, establishment

Automated speed enforcement, recorded images, retention and use

Autonomous vehicle, human driver requirement

Autonomous vehicle, local government regulation

Autonomous vehicles, commercial driver's license, prohibition

Autonomous vehicles, school buses, prohibition

autonomous vehicles, school buses, student transport, prohibition

Autonomous vehicles, school buses, student transport, prohibition

Autonomous vehicles, school buses, student transport, prohibitions

Global positioning system, use by driver, allowance

Highway pavement markings, highway paint, quality assurance test requirement

Highway work zones, camera enforcement, procedures

Kentucky vehicle registration database, communication disorder designation

Personal communication device, use by driver, prohibition

School bus stop arm cameras, civil penalty

School bus stop arm cameras, penalty increase

Speeding, fees and penalties for super speeders, establishment

Speeding, super speeders, fines and penalties

Traffic control signal monitoring system, violation of KRS 189.231, civil penalty

Vegetation sight obstruction, removal, highway-rail grade crossings

Wheels, rubber covering, requirement

Wreckers, use of blue lights

Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM (EDT)