
2024-26 Transportation Cabinet Budget, amendments

Accessible online insurance verification system, proof of motor vehicle insurance

Air Mobility and Aviation Economic Development Task Force, establishment

Assault in the third degree, offense against a driver of public transportation

Assault in the third degree, offense against drivers of public transportation

Automated license plate reader, data usage and retention, 60-day limit, exceptions, restrictions

Automated license plate reader, permitted uses, data usage

Automated speed enforcement fund, creation

Automated speed enforcement fund, establishment

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones, flashing signage

Automated speed enforcement, highway work zones, pilot program

Automated speed enforcement in highway work zones pilot program, establishment

Automated speed enforcement, recorded images, retention and use

Autonomous vehicle, human driver requirement

Autonomous vehicle, local government regulation

Autonomous vehicles, commercial driver's license, prohibition

Autonomous vehicles, insurance, minimum requirements

Autonomous vehicles, school bus restriction, education, student transportation

Autonomous vehicles, school buses, prohibition

autonomous vehicles, school buses, student transport, prohibition

Autonomous vehicles, school buses, student transport, prohibitions

Bowman Skunk Works, aerospace education, recognition

Cable operators and broadband facilities, relocation, reimbursement

Cable operators and broadband providers, relocation, reimbursement

Child Care Assistance Partnership fund special license plate, creation

Commercial driver's license, convictions, reporting requirement

Council on Postsecondary Education, Transportation Cabinet, air traffic programs, study

Driveaway plates

Driver licensing, circuit clerks

Driver licensing, county clerks

Driver licensing, regional offices, location

Driver testing pilot project, minimum required visits

Driving under the influence, driving on a suspended license

Driving under the influence, driving on a suspended license, aggravating circumstance

Driving under the influence, ignition interlock device, installation fee for EVs or hybrid vehicles

Driving under the influence, ignition interlock requirements, consecutive day requirements

Driving under the influence, list of controlled substances, expansion

Driving under the influence, list of controlled substances, removal of benzoylecgonine

Electronic title application and registration system, liens, procedures

Federal immigration law compliance county road aid, withholding

Friends of Kentucky agriculture special license plate, creation

Friends of Kentucky Agriculture special license plate, creation

Global positioning system, use by driver, allowance

Government Resources Accelerating Needed Transformation Program, eligible use

Hal Rogers Parkway, inclusion of KY 80 in Perry, Knott, and Floyd Counties

Highway pavement markings, highway paint, quality assurance test requirement

Highway welcome signs, language, restrictions

Highway work zones, camera enforcement, procedures

Home building material overweight exemption, limitations

Intrastate hazardous material endorsement, CDL holders under age of 21

Kentucky vehicle registration database, communication disorder designation

Legislative Research Commission staff, nonemergency medical transport, study directed

Medicaid, nonemergency medical transportation

Medicaid, nonemergency medical transportation services, contract extension, prohibition

Medical review board, creation

Motor carriers, driveaway plate, enforcement

Motor carriers, driveaway plate, fees

Motor vehicle instruction permits, age eligibility and length of validity

Motor vehicle operator's license, age eligibility

Motor vehicle registration, certain members of the Armed Forces, National Guard, or Reserves

Motor vehicle registration, gender-neutral language

Motor vehicle registration, gender-neutral language, insertion

Motor vehicles, towing companies and storage facilities, certification and regulations

Operator's license renewal, certain members of the Armed Forces, National Guard, or Reserves

Personal communication device, use by driver, prohibition

POW/MIA Trail, Ky 117, Christian County

Provision of nonemergency medical transportation services, allowance

Railroads, crew size, safety, penalties

Recyclers, Motor Vehicle Commission, licensing

School and church bus, stop requirement

School bus safety instruction requirements, establishment

School bus sensors, consideration

School bus stop arm cameras, civil penalty

School bus stop arm cameras, notice requirement

School bus stop arm cameras, penalty increase

School bus stop cameras, placement and use

Special license plate, veterans and National Guard, fee exemptions

Speeding, fees and penalties for super speeders, establishment

Speeding, super speeders, fines and penalties

Street-legal special purpose vehicle, requirements to operate on a highway

Temporary motor vehicle tags, application procedures

Threat Response and Accountability Task Force, creation, membership

Traffic control signal monitoring system, violation of KRS 189.231, civil penalty

Transportation Cabinet, branch budget bills, assistance

Transportation Cabinet, identity documents, third-party application

Transportation Cabinet, Six-Year Road Plan, county priority projects

United States Highway 111, urge designation

Vegetation sight obstruction, removal, highway-rail grade crossings

Vehicle towing and storage, storage at insurer's facility

Vehicle use tax exemption, purchases by military and National Guard members from Kentucky dealers

Welcome center and rest areas, sponsorship agreement, acknowledgment signs

Wheels, rubber covering, requirement

Wreckers, use of blue lights

Youth transportation network company services, regulation

Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM (EDT)