
Abortifacient, civil cause of action, establishment

Abortion, lethal fetal anomaly, prohibition exception

Abortion prohibition, lethal fetal anomaly, exception

Abortion prohibition, pregnancy result of rape or incest, exception

Abortion, rape or incest, pregnancy, prohibition exception

Abortion services, government payments to entities referring or counseling, removal of prohibition

Abortion, unborn child incompatible with life outside the womb, prohibition exception

Baby-related and menstrual products, diapers, sales and use tax, exemption

Breast pumps and related supplies, sales and use tax, exemption

Breastfeeding support and equipment, coverage requirement

Counseling interventions, perinatal depression, coverage requirement

Doula services, Medicaid coverage

Family planning program and services, prenatal and postnatal services, Medicaid, establishment

Fatal fetal abnormality, abortion, exception, establishment

Female, definition

Feminine hygiene products, elementary and secondary students, provision

Gender, female, recognition

Herron, Senator Keturah, commemoration

Hormonal contraceptives prescriptions

Infant Mortality Task Force, establishment

International Women's Day, recognizing

Kentucky Women's Bill of Rights, establishment

Licensed certified professional midwifes, Medicaid coverage

Maternal and infant mortality and disparities awareness month, recognition

Maternal and postpartum depression, HANDS Program, expansion

Maternal mortality and morbidity, prevention

Medicaid eligibility, 24 months postpartum, extension

Medical emergency, pregnant woman, treatment, reasonable medical judgment, establishment

Medically necessary interventions, pregnant woman, reasonable medical judgment, establishment

Menstrual discharge collection devices exemption, sales and use tax

Paid parental leave for employees, employers with 50 or more employees

Patient, life or health protection, good faith medical judgment, abortion, exception

Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders screenings, coverage requirement

Perinatal palliative care, pregnancy

Perinatal palliative care, pregnant woman, requirement

Postpartum mood disorders, prescription drugs, coverage requirement

Pregnancy, fatal fetal anomaly, definition, establishment

Pregnancy resource centers, licensure

Pregnancy, result of rape or incest, termination, exception

Pregnancy, separation from unborn child language, removal

Pregnant inmates, midwifery or doula services

Reasonable medical judgment standard, good faith clinical judgment standard, replacement

Reproductive health care, protections, establishment

Reproductive rights, establishment

Sales and use tax, menstrual discharge collection devices, exemption

Sexual assault emergency response, training

Sexual assault nurse examiners, study

Sexual orientation and gender identity, prohibition of discrimination

Vital statistics, identification of sex

Women Veterans Appreciation Day, June 12, designation

Workforce, employee benefits, unlawful acts, prohibition

Last updated: 3/13/2025 1:08 AM (EDT)