Rep. Moore, Adam Sponsored Bills

An asterisk(*) next to a bill request denotes primary sponsorship. If a session does not appear it is because the legislator does not have any sponsored bills for the session.

2025 Regular Session 

2025 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
HB 27 AN ACT relating to planned communities.
HB 32 AN ACT relating to outdoor recreation.
HB 44 AN ACT relating to choking prevention in schools.
HB 55 AN ACT relating to civil liability of a parent or guardian.
HB 56 AN ACT relating to comprehensive universities.
HB 70 AN ACT relating to dietitians.
HB 75 AN ACT relating to undesignated glucagon.
HB 76 AN ACT relating to retirement benefits for state and county employees in hazardous positions.
HB 93 AN ACT relating to target shooting.
HB 121 AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 25 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to slavery and involuntary servitude as a punishment for crime.
HB 122 AN ACT relating to sales and use tax exemptions for baby and personal care products.
HB 123 AN ACT relating to sales and use tax exemptions for menstrual discharge collection devices.
HB 146 AN ACT relating to the taxation of retirement distributions.
HB 150 AN ACT relating to the establishment of a grant database.
HB 153 AN ACT relating to a veterinary medicine program at Murray State University.
HB 157 AN ACT relating to special license plates.
HB 191 AN ACT relating to interment at state veterans' cemeteries.
HB 192 AN ACT relating to income taxation of military pensions.
HB 214* AN ACT relating to a firearm safety course credit.
HB 215* AN ACT relating to local regulatory actions.
HB 228 AN ACT relating to the rights of incarcerated children.
HB 236* AN ACT relating to coverage for epinephrine devices.
HB 237* AN ACT relating to the purchase of single-family homes.
HB 246 AN ACT proposing to amend Section 145 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to persons entitled to vote.
HB 267 AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to the exemption of state and local excise, sales, and use taxes from food and food ingredients, prescription drugs, and residential utilities.
HB 269 AN ACT relating to state contracts.
HB 271 AN ACT relating to school district employees and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 323 AN ACT relating to death benefits.
HB 385* AN ACT relating to state symbols.
HB 405* AN ACT relating to voters qualified for excused in-person absentee voting.
HB 417 AN ACT relating to the Health Access Nurturing Development Services Program.
HB 418* AN ACT relating to reproductive health care.
HB 420 AN ACT relating to workers' compensation for first responders.
HB 429 AN ACT relating to legislative ethics.
HB 457 AN ACT relating to the display of child labor laws in public schools.
HB 460 AN ACT relating to preschool and kindergarten education.
HB 505* AN ACT relating to the Veteran-Owned Small Business and Entrepreneur Loan Program.
HB 506* AN ACT relating to chronic pain treatments.
HB 507 AN ACT relating to service credit for the Teachers' Retirement System and declaring an emergency.
HB 515* AN ACT relating to the Office of Safer Communities, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency.
HB 552 AN ACT relating to tourist and convention commissions.
HB 581 AN ACT relating to firearms.
HB 583 AN ACT relating to housing and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 590 AN ACT relating to an apprenticeship tax credit.
HB 635 AN ACT relating to the establishment of a grant database.
HB 759* AN ACT relating to abortion.
HB 782 AN ACT relating to the partial distribution of pari-mutuel racing tax receipts to local governments.
HB 803 AN ACT relating to occupational safety and health.
HR 23 A RESOLUTION recognizing February 13, 2025, as Kentucky Arts Day.
HB 1: HFA (6) AN ACT relating to the individual income tax rate.
HB 1: HFA (7) AN ACT relating to the individual income tax rate.
SB 19: HFA (1) AN ACT relating to moments of silence and reflection.
SB 19: HFA (3) AN ACT relating to moments of silence and reflection.

Last updated: 3/13/2025 11:37 PM (EDT)