Rep. Thompson, Aaron Sponsored Bills

An asterisk(*) next to a bill request denotes primary sponsorship. If a session does not appear it is because the legislator does not have any sponsored bills for the session.

2025 Regular Session 

2025 Regular Session Top

Bill Title
HB 1 AN ACT relating to the individual income tax rate.
HB 32 AN ACT relating to outdoor recreation.
HB 37 AN ACT relating to an exemption from sales and use tax for certain nonprofit institutions.
HB 48 AN ACT relating to education.
HB 153 AN ACT relating to a veterinary medicine program at Murray State University.
HB 161 AN ACT relating to identity documents.
HB 191* AN ACT relating to interment at state veterans' cemeteries.
HB 236 AN ACT relating to coverage for epinephrine devices.
HB 345 AN ACT relating to public contracts.
HB 397 AN ACT relating to human growth and development instruction.
HB 458* AN ACT relating to ruffed grouse hunting.
HB 524* AN ACT relating to the Commonwealth's property and casualty insurance fund and declaring an emergency.
HB 525* AN ACT relating to telecommunicators.
HCR 50 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION directing the Legislative Research Commission to establish the Kentucky Discipline of Government Efficiency Task Force.
HJR 15 A JOINT RESOLUTION to return for permanent display on the New State Capitol grounds the granite Ten Commandments monument given to the Commonwealth of Kentucky in 1971 by the Fraternal Order of Eagles.
HR 27* A RESOLUTION recognizing October 10, 2025, as Higher Education Mental Health Day in Kentucky.
HR 57* A RESOLUTION encouraging the Kentucky Department of Education and the Kentucky Historical Society to recognize the 250th anniversary of America's independence throughout Kentucky's schools.
HR 81 A RESOLUTION urging the United States Congress and the United States Army Corps of Engineers to assist with the prevention and mitigation of flood damage in Kentucky.

Last updated: 3/13/2025 11:37 PM (EDT)