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2025 Regular Session
2025 Regular Session Index Heading
Index Heading - Attorney General
Attorney General
340B covered entities, discrimination against, prohibition
Senate Bill 14
Administrative hearing officers, Cabinet for Health and Family Services, provision
Senate Bill 244
Administrative regulations, procedures, authority
House Bill 81
Administrative subpoena, cloud storage service, inclusion
Senate Bill 169
Administrative subpoena, mobile payment service, inclusion
Senate Bill 169
Administrative subpoena, social networking company, inclusion
Senate Bill 169
Agricultural land, foreign ownership, compliance, enforcement
Senate Bill 167
House Bill 315
Challenges to federal actions, representation of the Commonwealth, authorization
House Joint Resolution 64
Classified employees, salary increases
House Bill 738
Crime victim notification system, interface, Administrative Office of the Courts, establishment
House Bill 740
Discrimination in financial services, social credit score, prohibition, enforcement
House Bill 314
Diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives, prohibition, enforcement and remedies
Senate Bill 164
Eminent domain, negotiation recordings, submission to Attorney General
House Bill 630
Federal government actions, challenge, authorization
House Bill 754
Federal laws and regulations, unconstitutional acts, challenge
Senate Joint Resolution 19
Firearm suppressors manufactured in Kentucky, exemption from National Firearms Act, compliance
House Bill 686
Firearms manufactured in Kentucky, exemption from National Firearms Act, compliance
House Bill 667
Foreign ownership of real property, compliance, enforcement
House Bill 393
Human trafficking, civil action, victim, damages, distribution
Senate Bill 97
Human trafficking, victim, civil claim, third-party standing, establishment
Senate Bill 97
Kentucky Restoration of Voting Rights Task Force, member
House Concurrent Resolution 67
Liability shield products, violations, actions
House Bill 648
Litigation affecting the Commonwealth, authorization to represent
House Bill 812
Medicaid prepayment claims review, stand-down list exception, establishment
Senate Bill 153: Senate Floor Amendment (1)
Mental health parity, enforcement
House Bill 748
Office of Administrative Hearings, child support, requirement
Senate Bill 244
Office of Election Investigations and Security, establishment
House Bill 455
Opioid abatement trust fund, bankruptcy distribution, addition
House Bill 537
Opioid abatement trust fund, court-ordered proceeds, addition
House Bill 537
Opioid abatement trust fund, individual settlement proceeds, addition
House Bill 537: House Committee Substitute (1)
Opioid abatement trust fund, personal bankruptcy distribution, addition
House Bill 537: House Committee Substitute (1)
Opioid abatement trust fund, settlement proceeds, addition
House Bill 537
Opioid abatement trust fund, use of funds, expansion
House Bill 547
Public education agencies, use of resources on diversity, equity, and inclusion, enforcement
Senate Bill 165
Public postsecondary education, use of resources on diversity, equity, and inclusion, civil action
House Bill 4
Real estate goods or services, trade practices, enforcement
House Bill 233
House Bill 233: House Committee Substitute (1)
Religious freedom, cause of action, authority and duties, establishment
House Bill 177
Religious freedom, violation, remedy, authorization
House Bill 177
Sanctuary policies, compliance, findings, establishment
House Bill 344
Single-family home, business entities, restrictions on purchase, enforcement
House Bill 237
Social media platforms, app stores, app developers, age verification, methods
House Bill 12
Social media platforms, app stores, app developers, duties to minors, enforcement
House Bill 12
State and local enforcement of federal firearm suppressor regulations, prohibition, enforcement
House Bill 686
State and local enforcement of federal firearms regulations, prohibition, enforcement
House Bill 667
Title theft, concurrent jurisdiction, establishment
Senate Bill 194
Title theft, evidence of intent, penalty, establishment
Senate Bill 194
Title theft, public educational materials, creation, requirement
Senate Bill 194
Treat Response and Accountability Task Force, creation
Senate Joint Resolution 72
Unclassified employees, employment by constitutional officers
House Bill 738
Vaping settlement trust fund, litigation proceeds, administration
House Bill 187
House Bill 218
Veterans' benefits, consumer protection, authority
Senate Bill 198: Senate Committee Substitute (1)
Last updated: 3/7/2025 4:31 PM