
Casino gaming, excise and admissions taxes, imposition

Conversion of condemned property into a domestic violence shelter, tax credit

Delinquent taxpayer, motor vehicle operator's license, suspension, elimination

Employer contributions to Kentucky Educational Savings Plan Trust, income tax credit

Employer contributions to STABLE Kentucky account, income tax credit

Exclusion from income, tax credit, school employees

Exclusion of income from individual income tax, state employee

First-time home buyer, tax incentives

Graduated tax rates, individual income tax

Income of veterans, income tax exclusion

Income tax exclusions, tips and overtime compensation

Individual income, retirement distribution exclusion

Individual income tax rate

Individual income tax rate, reduction

Individual income tax, refundable child credit, establishment

Individual, military pensions, income tax exclusion

Motor vehicle usage, vehicles purchased by active duty service members, exemption

Property tax, certificates of delinquency, mass foreclosure process, counties

Property tax, exemption, homeowners 65 years old or older, proposed constitutional amendment

Property tax, exemption or elimination, proposed constitutional amendment

Property tax, exemption, veterans and first responders, proposed constitutional amendment

Property tax, homestead exemption, cost of living adjustment

Property tax, homestead exemption, owners who are 65 or older, proposed constitutional amendment

Property tax, motor vehicles, state rate reduction and exemption

Property tax, motor vehicles, state tax exemption

Protected tenant, income tax credit for landlord

Qualified contributions, income tax credit

Refundable child tax credit, income tax

Refundable income tax credit, federal firearm taxes

Sales and use, currency and bullion currency, tax relief

Sales and use, currency and bullion, exemption

Sales and use, nonprofit educational, charitable, and religious organizations, exemption

Sales and use tax, baby-related and menstrual products, diapers, exemption

Sales and use tax, menstrual discharge collection devices, exemption

Sales tax, certain services, removal

Sanitation districts, user charges, controls

School districts, new independent districts, taxation

Tax rate reduction, individual income tax

Taxable activity, cannabis possession, personal use quantity, exemption

Volunteer firefighters, income tax credit

Last updated: 1/10/2025 12:52 PM (EST)