Last Action | floor amendment (1) filed to Committee Substitute |
Title | AN ACT relating to coal miners. |
Bill Documents |
Bill Request Number | 1893 |
Sponsor | G. Stumbo |
Summary of Original Version | Create a new section of KRS Chapter 42 to establish payments to or on behalf of survivors of fallen coal miners; create a new section of KRS Chapter 164A to provide for administration of scholarship payments for children of fallen coal miners; amend KRS 351.070 to require notification concerning fallen coal miners. |
Index Headings of Original Version |
Appropriations - Fallen coal miners Coal - Miners, funding for surviving spouse and children Minerals and Mining - Miners, funding for surviving spouse and children Education, Higher - Scholarships for children on fallen coal miners Taxation - Severance tax earmark as payments for survivors of fallen coal miners Taxation, Severance - Payments for survivors of fallen coal miners |
Proposed Amendments |
House Committee Substitute 1 House Floor Amendment 1 |
02/13/08 |
02/15/08 |
03/05/08 |
03/06/08 |
03/07/08 |
03/10/08 |
03/11/08 |
Amendment | House Committee Substitute 1 |
Summary | Retain all text and provide that "coal miner" be replaced with "certified coal miner." |
Index Headings |
Appropriations - Fallen coal miners Coal - Miners, funding for surviving spouse and children Minerals and Mining - Miners, funding for surviving spouse and children Education, Higher - Scholarships for children on fallen coal miners Taxation - Severance tax earmark as payments for survivors of fallen coal miners Taxation, Severance - Payments for survivors of fallen coal miners |
Amendment | House Floor Amendment 1 |
Sponsor | C. Rollins II |
Summary | Replace "Educational Savings Plan Trust" with "Higher Education Assistance Authority", and provide that funds may be paid to parents or legal guardians for expenses relating to books and examination fees for classes taken during high school for college credit. |
Index Headings |
Appropriations - Fallen coal miners Coal - Miners, funding for surviving spouse and children Minerals and Mining - Miners, funding for surviving spouse and children Education, Higher - Scholarships for children on fallen coal miners Taxation - Severance tax earmark as payments for survivors of fallen coal miners Taxation, Severance - Payments for survivors of fallen coal miners |
Last updated: 8/28/2019 8:09 AM (EDT)