General Assembly

"2-1-1" service in Kentucky, direct Public Service Commission study of

Adjourn, 2010 Session until April 14, 2010

Adjournment, sine die

Administrative regulation 900 KAR 6:075, deficient, declaration of

Administrative regulations, declare deficient ones null, void, and unenforceable

Appropriation and revenue measures, 48-hour review requirement of

Appropriations, three-day waiting period prior to vote on bill or amendment

C. David Hagerman Justice Center

Campaign contribution from legislative agent in race for Governor or Lt. Governor

Children's health advisory council, establishment of

Compensation for legislators, reduction of

Constitution oath, change to

Constitutional amendment to expand gambling, requirement for

Constitutional oath, change to

Date of the primary, change of

Deficient administrative regulation, 900 KAR 6:075, void, unenforceable, rendering of

Deficient administrative regulation, declare null, void, and unenforceable

Deficient administrative regulations, declare null, void, and unenforceable

Dropout prevention funds, encourage increase in

Education Assessment and Accountability Review Subcommittee

Employees, suggestion system, urge creation of

Expanded learning time grant program, IJCE, evaluation in 2016 Interim

Filing date for candidates, change of

Firearms, New State Capitol Building, prohibit in

Fiscal analysis of proposed legislation impacting state funds, requirement for

Forest Health Board, establishment of

General Assembly

General Assembly member, legislative agent in race for Governor or Lt. Governor, contribution by

Grandparents, task force on raising grandchildren by

Green Schools Caucus, creation of endorsed

House of Representatives, committee to wait upon the Governor, appointment of

House of Representatives, pastors, invitation to

House of Representatives, Rules, adoption of

Independent boards or commissions, General Assembly entities excluded from the definition of

John Sherman Cooper - Bert T. Combs Office Building, rename New Capitol Annex

Judicial Form Retirement System, administrative regulations, conformity with federal regulations

Kentucky General Assembly Veterans Hall of Fame, create

Legislative Branch Budget, appropriation of

Legislative Branch Budget Memorandum

Legislative financial disclosure forms, client or customer identity disclosure

Legislative Research Commission, Executive Director, receive report from

Legislators' Retirement Plan, close plan to new entrants and establish new plan

Legislators' Retirement Plan, excess benefit plan, creation

Licensing and Occupations Committees, reports from small independent occupational boards to

Members, campaign contributions, legislative agents

Odd-numbered-year sessions, budget enacted in

Office of Education Accountability, alternative education, study of

Office of Education Accountability, study

Penal Code and Controlled Substances Drafting Group, creation, duties

Post-legislative employment, limits on

Reduce salary by ten percent, the legislative and judicial branch, mandate elected persons within

Reorganization, Executive Order 2009-542, confirmation of

Reports to legislature, online filing of

Retirement, no consolidation of accounts under various systems for members

Retirement, no consolidation of plans if retire after effective date of Act

Salary of legislators, constitutional amendment establishing commission to set

Senate, committee to wait upon the Governor, appointment of

Senate, membership of

Senate, pastors, invitation to

Senate, Rules, adoption of

Social Service Worker Oversight and Advisory Committee, creation of

Subcommittee on Veterans' Affairs, request reestablishment of

Transportation committees, receive report of special license plate denials

Video lottery terminals in counties with racetracks, laws providing for, constitutional amendment

Last updated: 8/28/2019 7:34 AM (EDT)