Title 201 | Chapter 016 | Regulation 590REG

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Board of Veterinary Examiners
(Amended at ARRS Committee)

201 KAR 16:590.Continuing education requirements, veterinarians and veterinary technicians.

Section 1.



"Approved program of continuing education" is defined by KRS 321.181(11).


"Approved provider of continuing education" is defined by KRS 321.181(12).


"Continuing education" is defined by KRS 321.181(25).

Section 2.

Continuing education (CE) is designed to ensure the continued competence of a board credential holder. CE is a part of personal life-long learning in the credential holder's area of expertise, responsibility, and domains of practice, ensuring a commitment to furthering the person's professional knowledge, as well as learning new skills and techniques in the person'stheir area of practice, in order to best serve and protect the public and animals of the Commonwealth.

Section 3.

Continuing Education Requirements for Veterinarian and Veterinary Technician License Renewal and Reinstatement.


A veterinarian shall complete biennially thirty (30) hours of continuing education to be eligible for renewal of theirhis or her license.


At least twenty (20) of the thirty (30) hours shall be directly related to the practice of veterinary medicine.


For the renewal period and reinstatements beginning after September 30, 2024, at least two (2) of the thirty (30) required renewal hours shall be in:


Pharmacy or controlled substances;


Antimicrobials; or


State or federal laws and regulations related to the practice of veterinary medicine.


No more than ten (10) of the thirty (30) hours shall pertain to practice management or other administrative, wellbeing, and professional topics that are not directly related to the practice of veterinary medicine.


A veterinary technician shall annually complete six (6) hours of continuing education in the area of the practice of veterinary medicine or veterinary technology to be eligible for renewal of theirhis or her license.


For the renewal period and reinstatements beginning after September 30, 2024, at least one (1) of the six (6) hours shall be in:


Pharmacy or controlled substances;


Antimicrobials; or


State or federal laws and regulations related to the practice of veterinary medicine or the practice of veterinary technology.


No more than three (3) of the six (6) hours shall pertain to practice management or other administrative, wellbeing, and professional topics that are not directly related to the practice of veterinary medicine or the practice of veterinary technology.


In addition to attendance at a conference, lecture, or seminar, a veterinarian or veterinary technician may complete the hours of continuing education required for renewal or reinstatement by the completion of audio or video recordings or electronic, computer, or interactive material prepared or approved by any of the organizations established in Section 4subsections (1) and (2)Section 2(1) and (2) of this administrative regulation.sectionadministrative regulation. There shall not be a limit to the number of online hours a licensee may apply to his or her renewal.


A veterinarian shall earn at least fifteen (15) of the required thirty (30) CE hours and a veterinary technician shall earn at least three (3) of the required six (6) CE hours in a live, realtime format either in-person or online.


A veterinarian shall earn no more than fifteen (15) of the required thirty (30) CE hours and a veterinary technician shall earn no more than three (3) of the required six (6) CE hours in an online format that is pre-recorded.


All CE earned shall be new, continuing education. A veterinarian or veterinary technician shallmay not apply CE earned in the immediate prior renewal period, or earned and applied for licensure reinstatement toward renewal of their license in the current renewal cycle.




Continuing education shall be earned from October 1 of each renewal period until September 30 at the end of the period, or until November 30 at the end of the grace period with the addition of a late fee in accordance with 201 KAR 16:510 for veterinarians and 201 KAR 16:512 for veterinary technicians.


A licensee may apply continuing education hours to only one (1) renewal cycle. Continuing education hours earned for a given course shall not be applied to the total required hours again in any subsequentthe following renewal cycle.


A credential holder who receives a board discipline that requires continuing education as a part of any reprimand, settlement agreement, or final order, shall earn the required CE in addition to the CE required for licensure renewal.


A veterinarian applying for renewal after completing theirhis or her initial term of licensure after graduating from a veterinary college may complete a reduced number of hours of continuing education to be eligible for renewal as established in this subsection. This subsection shall not apply to applicants for licensure by endorsement under KRS 321.221 who graduated prior to the renewal biennium during which they were initially licensed.


A veterinarian completing theirhis or her initial term of licensure who graduated from a veterinary college during the first year of the renewalpreceding biennium shall complete fifteen (15) hours of continuing education to be eligible for renewal.


Continuing education requirements shall be waived for a veterinarian completing theirhis or her initial term of licensure who graduated during the second year of the renewalpreceding biennium.


For a veterinary technician, continuing education requirements shall be waived for a new licensee completing theirhis or her initial term of licensure who also graduated within twelve (12) 12-months of initial licensure. This paragraph shall not apply to applicants for licensure by endorsement who graduated prior to the renewal cycle during which they were initially licensed.




A veterinarian or veterinary technician may submit a written request to the board for approval of a fellowship, internship, or residency in lieu of the continuing education courseshours required for license renewal, subject to board review for the number of hours to be awarded.


The number of continuing education hours granted shall be determined by the board.


The request shall:


Include a letter of verification from an authorized representative of the organization providing the fellowship, internship, or residency opportunity;


Be printed on the organization's letterhead; and


Provide a brief description of the position itself, a summary of assigned tasks, and the anticipated or completed beginning and ending dates of the position; and


Be signed by an authorized representative of the organization who is knowledgeable about the position being verified.


Failure to earn the minimum required amount of CE by the renewal deadline or grace period deadline shall be cause for the board to move a license to an expired status.


Continuing education hours shall be required as follows for reinstatement applications:


For veterinarians, thirty (30) hours earned in a twenty-fourtwenty four (24) month period immediately prior to the date of application, or as required by the board to complete the application after filing; and


For veterinary technicians, six (6) hours earned in a twelve (12) month period immediately prior to the date of application, or as required by the board to complete the application after filing.


During a statewide state of emergency declared by the Governor of Kentucky, a national emergency declared by the President of the United States, pandemic, or epidemic, the board may change the in-person requirement for CE or waive CE for a temporary period of time. After taking such an action, the board shall send notice to all licensees and post the change and duration of change on the board's Web sitewebsite.

Section 4.Section 2.

Approved Programs of Continuing Education Courses.


The board hereby approves the following continuing education courses:


All scientific programs of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), its constituent organizations, and its recognized specialty groups as listed on the AVMA Web site, and Council on Education (COE) or Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities (CVTEA) accredited veterinary medical institutions whose meetings impart educational material directly relating to veterinary medicine or veterinary technology;


Programs approved by the Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE) of the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB);


Accreditation modules offered by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), which shall be counted for one (1) hour per module; and


Attendance at a board meeting, which shall be counted for the time the attendee is present and during which the board is in session or the duration of the meeting in half-hour increments up to three (3) hours, per meeting. There shall be a maximum of six (6) hours allowable for veterinarians and three (3) hours per LVTs per renewal cycle; and


All programs approved by the board pursuant to subsection (4)(2) of this section.


Licensees may use a maximum of six (6) USDA APHIS Modules for licensees certified in Category II and a maximum of three (3) USDA APHIS Modules for licensees certified in Category I in any single renewal period.


Licensees shall earn new CE each renewal cycle, and shall not use CE previously applied to any past renewal or to reinstatement, if reinstatement occurred during the current renewal cycle.


Board approved CE requirements.


TheBy a majority vote, the board may approve programs that are deemed to impart knowledge directly relating to the practice of veterinary medicine, including the utilization and application of new techniques, scientific and clinical advances, and the achievement of research to assure expansive and comprehensive care to the public.


To request approval, a completed Request for Continuing Education Approval form, including all required attachments, and the submission of fees as prescribed in 201 KAR 16:516, shall be submitted to the board.


A continuing education program that satisfies board requirements for an approved program of continuing education shall be:




Be offered, provided, or sponsored by an organization that is an approved provider of continuing education; or


Be an approved program of continuing education;




Have a clearly stated purpose and defined content area;


Be offered to the public or general licensee population, and not offered internally only to employees of a single organization;


Be consistent with the overall goals of continuing education as defined in Sections 2 and 3 of this administrative regulation;


Have a presenter who is a professional qualified in the defined content area; and


Clearly state the program's duration. Actual contact time shall be a minimum of one (1) continuing education contact hour as defined in KRS 321.181(26), and shall not include breaks or meals; and


If approved, the course provider shall maintain for a minimum of four (4) years records of CEs presented, and shall include the name and license number of each attendee.

Section 5.Section 3.

Continuing Education Documentation Requirements.


A licensee shall:


Secure official documentation from the course provider of completed attendance at a course, detailing the:


Hourshours earned;


Name of the course;


Provider of the course;


Method of delivery, and if an online course, live, interactive, or non-interactive;


Date of the course; and


Licensee's name.


Submit on the Renewal Application for Veterinarians form or Renewal Application for Veterinary Technicians form as found in 201 KAR 16:570201 KAR 16:700 or online equivalent forms, as appropriate, and include the name, dates, and identifying information for each course theyhe or she attended; and


If audited by the board or upon request by the board, supply copies of official documentation from the course provider which includes all the information required in paragraph (a) of this subsection; and


Retain copies of continuing education documentation for a period of four (4) years from the date of licensure renewal.


The board may require an applicant or licensee to submit copies of documentation in accordance with subsection (1) of this section documenting theirof his or her attendance at continuing education courses.

Section 6.



The board shall audit documentation supporting the completion of the appropriate number of continuing education hours for:


Any veterinarian or veterinary technician who was disciplined by the board in the renewal cycle or ifwhere an order of the board further specifies a CE audit of that veterinarian or veterinary technician; and


At least one (1) member of the board.


The board may audit any licensee for documentation supporting the completion of the appropriate number of continuing education hours for:


A minimum of ten (10) percent of all veterinarians and veterinary technicians; and


Any licensee who does not renew their license by September 30 of each renewal cycle; or


Any licensee against whom a grievance has been filed pursuant to 201 KAR 16:610.

Section 7.Section 4.

Continuing Education Requirement Waivers.


Medical disability, illness, or other extenuating circumstances. The board may, in individual cases involving medical disability, or illness, or other extenuating circumstances clearly warranting relief, grant a waiverwaivers of the continuing education requirements or an extensionextensions of time within which to fulfill the same or make the required reports.


A written request for an extension or waiver of continuing education requirements for medical disability, or illness, or other extenuating circumstances clearly warranting relief reasons waiver or extension of time shall be submitted by the licensee. The board may require a signed document from a physician or other health care provider to verify the licensee's claimed disability or illness, or verification from an official for other extenuating circumstances.


A waiver of the minimum continuing education requirements or an extension of time within which to fulfill the requirements shall not be granted by the board for a period of time exceeding one (1) renewal cyclecalendar year.


If the medical disability, or illness, or other extenuating circumstances clearly warranting relief upon which a waiver or extension has been granted persists beyond the period of the waiver or extension, the licensee shall have the option to apply for another extension.


Military duty. The board shall grant a waiver to a licensee who is unable to meet the continuing education requirements of this administrative regulation because of obligations arising from military duty.


A licensee engaged in active military duty and deployed outside the United States for more than eight (8) months shall not be required to complete the continuing education requirement for licensure periods during which that status exists.


A licensee who is called to active duty in the armed forces shall not be required to complete the continuing education requirement for licensure periods during which that status exists.


The licensee requesting an extension or waiver pursuant to this subsection shall submit with theirhis or her renewal or reinstatement paperwork, the appropriate military assignment form, deployment orders, or a statement from the licensee's unit commander confirming the call-up or deployment.

Section 8.Section 5.

Incorporation by Reference.


"Request for Continuing Education Approval", 9/20242/2020, is incorporated by reference.


This material may be inspected, copied, or obtained, subjected to applicable copyright law, at the Kentucky Board of Veterinary Examiners, 4047 Iron Works Parkway, Suite 104, Lexington, Kentucky 40511107 Corporate Drive, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This material may also be obtained at kbve.ky.govwww.kybve.com.

FILED WITH LRC: January 13, 2025
CONTACT PERSON: Michelle M. Shane, Executive Director, Kentucky Board of Veterinary Examiners, 4047 Iron Works Parkway, Suite 104, Lexington, Kentucky 40511, phone 502-564-5433, fax 502-753-1458, email Michelle.Shane@ky.gov.

7-Year Expiration: 6/30/2027

Last Updated: 1/23/2025

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM