Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Definitions for chapter.
.012 Repealed, 2005.
.015 Repealed, 2003.
.016 Repealed, 2003.
.017 Repealed, 2003.
.020 Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee -- Membership -- Meetings -- Vote required to act.
.030 Duties of subcommittee.
.032 Repealed, 2003.
.040 Administrative regulations compiler -- Duties.
.050 Kentucky Administrative Regulations Service -- Administrative Register of Kentucky -- Publication dates -- Certificate of compiler -- Fees.
.060 Exclusive publication by Legislative Research Commission -- Copies available to members of General Assembly.
.070 Administrative regulations promulgated by Commission -- Assistance to administrative bodies.
.075 Repealed, 2016.
.080 Repealed, 2012.
.090 Rebuttable presumption of correctness of content of administrative regulations -- Judicial notice.
.100 Matters which shall be prescribed by administrative regulation.
.110 Prescription of forms and tables.
.120 Promulgation of administrative regulations -- Prohibitions concerning promulgations.
.125 Restrictions on filing subsequent proposed administrative regulation with same number and title.
.130 Matters prohibited as subject of internal policy, memorandum, or other form of action.
.140 Repealed, 2016.
.150 Specified time for filing.
.160 Repealed, 2012.
.170 Methods of promulgating administrative regulations.
.180 Ordinary administrative regulation defined.
.190 Emergency administrative regulations.
.200 Administrative regulation in contemplation of a statute -- Procedure.
.210 Tiering of administrative regulations.
.215 Use of administrative regulation management application – Paper-based filing requirements -- Notification to the regulations compiler.
.220 Compliance with KRS 13A.222 and 13A.224 required -- Filing with compiler -- Format.
.221 Division of subject matter of administrative regulation.
.222 Drafting rules.
.224 General requirements for incorporation by reference.
.2245 Incorporation of code or uniform standard by reference.
.2251 Information required in administrative regulation when incorporating material by reference.
.2255 Amendment of material previously incorporated by reference.
.2261 Federal statutes and regulations not to be incorporated by reference.
.2264 Repealed, 2005.
.2267 Repealed, 2005.
.230 Other material to be filed with and e-mailed to compiler.
.240 Regulatory impact analysis.
.245 Agencies to prepare a federal mandate analysis comparing proposed state regulatory standards to federal standards -- Relationship between state administrative regulation and federal law or regulation governing a subject matter.
.250 Consideration of costs to local and state government and to regulated entities -- Fiscal note.
.255 Notice of ordinary administrative regulation proposing to establish or increase fees.
.260 Repealed, 1988.
.270 Public hearing and comments -- Notice -- Communication by e-mail regarding administrative regulations -- When notification of regulations compiler required.
.280 Statement of consideration -- Amendment -- Format -- Information required -- Publication.
.290 Review by Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee -- Review by legislative committee.
.300 Request by promulgating administrative body to defer consideration of administrative regulation -- Consideration of deferred administrative regulation -- Limitation on number of deferrals -- Failure of representative of administrative body to appear before legislative committee.
.310 Repeal or permissive withdrawal of administrative regulation.
.3102 Expiration of administrative regulations.
.3104 Certification process for avoiding expiration of administrative regulations -- When regulations expire.
.312 Actions required when authority over a subject matter is transferred to another administrative body or name of administrative body is changed -- Return of administrative regulations to previous form if General Assembly does not confirm or codify executive order.
.315 Expiration and withdrawal of administrative regulation prior to review by legislative committee -- Effect of noncompliance with chapter -- Withdrawal of deficient administrative regulation upon Governor's notification.
.320 Amendment of administrative regulation during meeting of legislative committee or public meeting -- Format.
.330 Notification of finding of deficiency -- Governor's determination after finding of deficiency.
.331 Adoption and effective date of ordinary administrative regulation that has been referred to a legislative committee.
.333 Repealed, 2003.
.335 Reasons administrative regulation found deficient shall not be considered deficient -- Notice.
.336 Annual report on administrative regulations found deficient -- Contents.
.337 Legislative finding -- Certain administrative regulations void -- Prohibition against promulgating substantially similar regulations -- Judicial review.
.338 Legislative finding -- Certain administrative regulations void -- Prohibition against promulgating substantially similar regulations within specified time.
.339 Unenforceability of certain administrative regulations that became effective notwithstanding finding of deficiency.
.340 Repealed, 1990.
.341 Unenforceability of 702 KAR 1:195E, Face Coverings in School Facilities, after September 9, 2021.
.342 Unenforceability of 902 KAR 2:211E, Covering the Face in Response to Declared National or State Public Health Emergency, as of September 9, 2021.
.343 Unenforceability of 902 KAR 2:212E, Covering the Face in Response to Declared National or State Public Health Emergency, as of September 9, 2021.
.344 Unenforceability of 902 KAR 2:213E, Childcare Standards for Covering the Face in Response to Declared National or State Public Health Emergency, as of September 9, 2021.
.3441 Unenforceability of proposed amendment to 803 KAR 25:190, relating to utilization review and medical bill audits, as of April 14, 2022.
.3442 Unenforceability of 702 KAR 1:192E, District Employee Quarantine Leave, as of April 14, 2022.
.3443 Unenforceability of 803 KAR 1:006, Employer-Employee Relationship, as of March 29, 2023.
.3444 Unenforceability of proposed emergency and ordinary amendments of 907 KAR 1:026, 907 KAR 1:038, and 907 KAR 1:632 as of March 29, 2023.
.3445 Unenforceability of proposed amendment to 201 KAR 2:380, Board Authorized Protocols, as of March 29, 2023.
.3446 Unenforceability of 201 KAR 23:170, Telehealth and Social Work Practice, as of April 12, 2024.
.3447 Unenforceability of 907 KAR 1:038E, 907 KAR 1:126E, and 907 KAR 1:632E, as of April 12, 2024.
.345 Repealed, 1988.
.346 Repealed, 1994.
.347 Repealed, 1994.
.350 Application of chapter.