Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Repealed, 1974.
.020 Repealed, 1966.
.030 Repealed, 1966.
.040 Repealed, 1974.
.050 Repealed, 1974.
.060 Repealed, 1974.
.065 Repealed, 1978.
.070 Repealed, 1974.
.080 Repealed, 2007
.110 Report of offense under penal code to department.
.115 Criminal identification activities -- State institutions and peace officers to cooperate with cabinet.
.120 Forwarding reports to federal government.
.125 Agency sharing of records maintained on juvenile in facility, program, or informal adjustment -- Confidentiality -- Provision of records -- Exception -- Violation.
.130 Repealed, 1974.
.131 Kentucky Unified Criminal Justice Information System -- Committee to design and implement system -- Uniform policy -- Duties -- Automated warrant system -- Denial of funds upon failure of agency or officer to participate in system.
.140 Centralized criminal history record information system.
.142 Segregation of criminal records.
.143 Qualified person to administer system -- Personnel.
.147 Duties of Department of Kentucky State Police.
.148 Duties of Department of Kentucky State Police regarding traffic safety -- Control of funds.
.150 Reports by law enforcement officers and criminal justice agencies -- Public inspection exemptions -- Administrative regulations -- Information from the Court of Justice.
.151 Centralized criminal history record information system to be developed by Department of Kentucky State Police, in cooperation with specified state agencies -- Contents -- Access -- Identification numbers.
.152 Citation and personal identification numbers to be supplied by Department of Kentucky State Police, Administrative Office of the Courts, Department of Juvenile Justice, and Cabinet for Health and Family Services.
.1521 Uniform citation number to be supplied by Administrative Office of the Courts.
.1522 Department of Kentucky State Police to update database within thirty days of receipt of information from certain levels.
.1523 Uniform offense report to provide for indication of bias-related crime -- Annual reporting.
.153 Annual report.
.1531 Repealed, 2007.
.157 Funds withheld for failure to comply.
.160 Furnishing potential employer with person's record of convictions, guilty pleas, and Alford pleas involving specified crimes.
.165 Definitions -- Criminal record check for job applicants at child-care centers -- Restrictions on employing violent offenders or persons convicted of sex crimes -- Conviction information for applicant seeking employment as child-serving professional.
.167 Felony-offender record check for employees and members of fire departments, ambulance services, and rescue squads.
.169 Definitions for KRS 17.169, 17.170, and 17.175
.170 Maintenance of DNA samples collected before March 27, 2009 -- Persons required to provide DNA sample -- Persons and procedures authorized for DNA sample collection -- Administrative regulation -- Penalties for refusing to provide DNA sample or tampering with samples or containers.
.171 Repealed, 2009 and 2008.
.172 Repealed, 2009 and 2008.
.173 Repealed, 2009 and 2008.
.174 Repealed, 2009 and 2008.
.175 Centralized database for DNA identification records -- Analysis and classification of evidence -- Exemption from KRS 61.870 to 61.884 -- Expungement of information and destruction of DNA sample -- Penalty for unlawful use of DNA database identification system.
.176 Probative value of DNA test -- Submission of evidence by parties in case -- Fees and costs.
.177 Repealed, 2009 and 2008.
.180 Automated fingerprint identification system.
.185 Request to Department of Kentucky State Police to conduct background check on oneself through name-based or fingerprint-supported search -- Definitions for section -- Prerequisites and limitations on search and release of information -- Fees -- Administration regulations.
.190 Emergency requests for call location information.
.210 Purpose of KRS 17.210 to 17.270.
.220 Repealed, 1962.
.230 Repealed, 1962.
.240 Repealed, 1962.
.250 Renumbered as KRS 95A.262.
.260 Repealed, 2000.
.270 Repealed, 2000.
.310 "Brake fluid" defined.
.320 Standards for brake fluid and Transportation Cabinet's regulations.
.330 Analysis and labeling of brake fluid.
.340 Transportation Cabinet's approval of analysis required.
.410 Renumbered as KRS 198B.300.
.420 Renumbered as KRS 198B.310.
.430 Renumbered as KRS 198B.320.
.440 Renumbered as KRS 198B.330.
.450 Kentucky Missing Child Information Center.
.460 Procedure by law enforcement agency upon receipt of report of missing child -- Transportation and return of child once located.
.470 Notification by Department of Kentucky State Police of missing and recovered children.
.495 Renumbered as KRS 17.545.
.497 Renumbered as KRS 17.547.
.500 Definitions for KRS 17.500 to 17.580.
.510 Registration system for adults who have committed sex crimes or crimes against minors -- Persons required to register -- Exemption for registration for juveniles to be retroactive -- Manner of registration -- Penalties -- Notifications of violations required.
.520 Period of registration.
.530 Authority to share information from registrations.
.540 Short title for KRS 17.500 to 17.540.
.544 Restrictions on use of social media platform by registrants -- Retroactivity -- Penalties.
.545 Registrant prohibited from residing or being present in certain areas -- Violations -- Exception.
.546 Registrant prohibited from using social networking Web site or instant messaging or chat room program accessible by minors, exception for parents -- Registrant prohibited from photographing, filming, or making a video of a minor without consent of minor's parent or guardian.
.547 Persons immune from suit for good faith conduct under KRS 17.500 to 17.580 and 17.991.
.549 False statements to law enforcement officials regarding noncompliant registrant -- Harboring -- Violation.
.550 Definitions for KRS 17.550 to 17.991.
.552 Approval requirement for sexual offender risk evaluations or treatment -- Exemptions.
.554 Sex Offender Risk Assessment Advisory Board -- Risk assessment procedure.
.556 Membership of board -- Chair -- Terms -- Committees.
.558 Issuance of approvals.
.560 Hearing -- Order -- Appeal.
.562 Quorum -- Votes for action of board.
.564 Authority for administrative regulations.
.566 Use of "approved provider" designation restricted.
.568 Injunctive relief.
.570 Repealed, 2000.
.572 Repealed, 2000.
.574 Forwarding of relevant information by certain facilities to approved provider for review prior to release -- Confidentiality.
.576 Privileged communications -- Written waiver.
.578 Termination of duty to register.
.580 Duty of Department of Kentucky State Police to maintain and update Web site containing information about adults who have committed sex crimes or crimes against minors -- Immunity from liability for good-faith dissemination of information -- Justice and Public Safety Cabinet to establish toll-free telephone number -- Permission for local law enforcement agency to notify of registrants in jurisdiction.
.990 Penalties.
.991 Penalty for violation of KRS 17.552.