Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Renumbered as KRS 26A.300.
.012 Persons with disabilities or members of their families to be included in membership of boards and committees affecting them -- Prohibition against discrimination.
.013 Employment in decision-making positions and participation in programs consistent with the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act -- Disability awareness program.
.015 Disqualification of justice or judge of the Court of Justice, or master commissioner.
.020 Designation of retired justice or judge as special judge.
.030 Successor of judge may sign orders.
.040 Proceedings in court having divisions.
.080 Judicial officer to report unprofessional conduct of justice, judge, or attorney.
.090 Definitions for KRS 26A.090 to 26A.115.
.100 Places of holding court -- Facilities to be furnished by local governmental units -- Procedure when local public facilities not available.
.105 Repealed, 1982.
.107 Periodic review of court facilities -- Use allowance payment on construction contracted for after July 1, 1978.
.110 Utilities and janitorial services furnished by counties, urban-county governments, and cities.
.115 Operating costs allowance and use allowance payments.
.120 Purchase of equipment -- Extraordinary specialized facilities or services.
.130 Conveyance of court facility to Commonwealth.
.140 Accommodation of special needs of children.
.150 Repealed, 2002.
.160 Design, financing, and construction of court facilities -- Rules of procedure and guidelines -- Oversight -- Financing requirements -- Project standards -- Application.
.162 Determination of use allowance -- Presumption of twenty year bond issue -- Standards for longer term of issue -- Legislative oversight.
.164 Court facility use allowance contingency fund -- Purpose -- Conditional use -- Legislative oversight.
.166 Increase in budgeted scope of court facility project -- Conditions for approval -- Legislative oversight.
.168 Reports on status of court facilities projects and contingency fund.
.200 Records to be property of Court of Justice -- Supreme Court control.
.210 Utilization of technical assistance and services of Department for Libraries and Archives -- Records no longer needed may be offered to department.
.220 Supreme Court supervision and control of court records.
.250 Renumbered as KRS 15.733.
.260 Web site to provide public access to expenditure records of judicial branch -- Monthly and weekly updates -- AOC is sole custodian of information and records -- Branches to share software and applications.
.300 Collection of judgment -- Damages.
.400 Drug court program -- Administration -- No right to treatment conferred -- Exemption from division supervision while in program.