Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Definitions for chapter.
.015 Persons subject to this code -- Jurisdiction.
.020 Jurisdiction to try certain personnel.
.022 Renumbered as KRS 35.031.
.025 Repealed, 2013.
.030 Territorial applicability of the code.
.031 Judge advocates.
.033 Military judges.
.035 Apprehension.
.040 Repealed, 2013.
.045 Imposition of restraint.
.050 Restraint of person charged with offenses.
.055 Place of confinement -- Reports and receiving of prisoners.
.057 Confinement with enemy prisoners prohibited.
.060 Punishment prohibited before trial.
.065 Delivery of offenders to civil authorities.
.070 Commanding officer's nonjudicial punishment.
.075 Courts-martial classified.
.080 Jurisdiction of courts-martial in general.
.085 Jurisdiction of general courts-martial.
.090 Jurisdiction of special courts-martial.
.095 Repealed, 2013.
.100 Repealed, 1970.
.105 Who may convene general courts-martial.
.110 Who may convene special courts-martial.
.115 Repealed, 2013.
.120 Who may serve on courts-martial.
.125 Military judge of a general or special court-martial.
.130 Detail of trial counsel and defense counsel.
.135 Repealed, 2013.
.140 Detail or employment of reporters and interpreters.
.145 Absent and additional members.
.150 Charges and specifications.
.155 Compulsory self-incrimination prohibited.
.160 Investigation.
.165 Forwarding of charges.
.170 Advice of judge advocate and reference for trial.
.175 Service of charges.
.180 Governor or the adjutant general may prescribe rules.
.185 Unlawfully influencing action of court.
.190 Duties of trial counsel and defense counsel.
.195 Sessions.
.200 Continuances.
.205 Challenges.
.210 Oaths or affirmations.
.215 Statute of limitations.
.220 Former jeopardy.
.225 Pleas of the accused.
.230 Opportunity to obtain witnesses and other evidence.
.235 Refusal to appear or testify.
.240 Contempt.
.245 Depositions.
.250 Admissibility of records of courts of inquiry.
.252 Defense of lack of mental responsibility.
.255 Voting and rulings.
.260 Number of votes required.
.265 Court to announce action.
.270 Record of trial.
.275 Cruel and unusual punishments prohibited.
.277 Maximum limits.
.280 Effective date of sentences.
.282 Deferment of sentences.
.285 Execution of confinement.
.289 Sentences: reduction in enlisted grade upon approval.
.290 Repealed, 1970.
.294 Sentences: forfeiture of pay and allowances during confinement.
.295 Repealed, 2013.
.300 Repealed, 1970.
.305 Repealed, 2013.
.310 Renumbered as KRS 35.329.
.315 Repealed, 2013.
.320 Renumbered as KRS 35.332.
.325 Error of law -- Lesser included offense.
.326 Action by the convening authority.
.327 Withdrawal of appeal.
.328 Appeal by the state.
.329 Rehearings.
.330 Repealed, 2013.
.331 Review by the senior force judge advocate.
.332 Disposition of records after review by the convening authority.
.333 Review by state appellate authority.
.334 Appellate counsel.
.335 Repealed, 2013.
.336 Execution of sentence -- Suspension of sentence.
.340 Vacation of suspension.
.345 Petition for a new trial.
.350 Remission and suspension.
.355 Restoration.
.360 Finality of proceedings, findings, and sentences.
.364 Leave required to be taken pending review of certain court-martial convictions.
.365 Repealed, 1970.
.367 Determination of lack of mental capacity or mental responsibility.
.370 Repealed, 2013.
.375 Renumbered as KRS 35.800.
.380 Renumbered as KRS 35.802.
.385 Renumbered as KRS 35.805.
.390 Renumbered as KRS 35.807.
.395 Renumbered as KRS 35.810.
.400 Repealed, 1970.
.405 Repealed, 2013.
.410 Renumbered as KRS 35.817.
.415 Renumbered as KRS 35.822.
.420 Repealed, 2013.
.425 Renumbered as KRS 35.812.
.430 Renumbered as KRS 35.827.
.435 Repealed, 1970.
.436 Repealed, 2013.
.440 Principals.
.442 Accessory after the fact.
.445 Conviction of lesser included offense.
.450 Attempts.
.451 Conspiracy.
.455 Renumbered as KRS 35.722.
.460 Renumbered as KRS 35.473.
.461 Renumbered as KRS 35.474.
.462 Renumbered as KRS 35.4751.
.465 Renumbered as KRS 35.577.
.470 Solicitation.
.471 Fraudulent enlistment, appointment, or separation.
.472 Unlawful enlistment, appointment, or separation.
.473 Desertion.
.474 Absence without leave.
.475 Renumbered as KRS 35.727.
.4751 Missing movement.
.476 Contempt toward officials.
.478 Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer.
.480 Renumbered as KRS 35.486.
.481 Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer.
.485 Repealed, 2013.
.486 Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer.
.490 Repealed, 1970.
.491 Failure to obey order or regulation.
.495 Repealed, 1970.
.500 Repealed, 1970.
.505 Repealed, 1970.
.510 Repealed, 1970.
.515 Repealed, 1970.
.520 Repealed, 1970.
.525 Repealed, 1970.
.530 Repealed, 1970.
.535 Repealed, 1970.
.540 Repealed, 1970.
.545 Repealed, 1970.
.550 Repealed, 1970.
.555 Repealed, 1970.
.560 Repealed, 1970.
.565 Repealed, 2013.
.570 Repealed, 1970.
.575 Cruelty and maltreatment.
.577 Mutiny or sedition.
.580 Resistance, flight, breach of arrest, and escape.
.585 Releasing prisoner without proper authority.
.590 Unlawful detention.
.595 Noncompliance with procedural rules.
.600 Misbehavior before the enemy.
.605 Subordinate compelling surrender.
.609 Improper use of countersign.
.610 Repealed, 1986.
.614 Forcing a safeguard.
.615 Repealed, 1986.
.620 Captured or abandoned property.
.625 Aiding the enemy.
.630 Misconduct as prisoner.
.635 False official statements.
.637 Military property -- Loss, damage, destruction, or wrongful disposition.
.640 Property other than military property -- Waste, spoilage, or destruction.
.642 Improper hazarding of vessel.
.645 Driving under the influence or reckless driving.
.650 Drunk on duty.
.652 Wrongful use, possession, etc., of controlled substances.
.654 Misbehavior of sentinel.
.655 Repealed, 1986.
.657 Dueling.
.660 Malingering.
.665 Riot or breach of peace.
.670 Renumbered as KRS 35.692.
.671 Provoking speeches or gestures.
.675 Repealed, 1986.
.678 Definitions for KRS 35.678 to 35.690.
.679 Sexual harassment.
.680 Renumbered as KRS 35.730.
.681 Rape and sexual assault generally.
.683 Rape of a child.
.685 Stalking.
.690 Other sexual misconduct.
.692 Larceny and wrongful appropriation.
.695 Robbery.
.700 Forgery.
.702 Making, drawing, or uttering check, draft, or order without sufficient funds.
.705 Maiming.
.710 Arson.
.712 Extortion.
.715 Assault.
.717 Burglary.
.720 Housebreaking.
.722 Perjury.
.725 Frauds against the government.
.727 Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman.
.730 General article.
.800 Courts of inquiry.
.802 Authority to administer oaths and to act as notary.
.805 Sections to be explained.
.807 Complaints of wrongs.
.810 Redress of injuries to property.
.812 Delegation by the Governor.
.815 Payment of fees, costs, and expenses.
.817 Payment of fines and disposition thereof.
.820 Uniformity of interpretation.
.822 Immunity for action of military courts.
.825 Severability.
.827 Short title.
.830 Supersedes existing state military justice codes.