Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 02/16/2025 %--span>
.005 Composting and use of composted materials by state agencies.
.010 Action for trespass or injury to state property.
.020 Secretary of State to have custody of title documents.
.030 State, when made grantee or lessee of land.
.040 Finance and Administration Cabinet, Transportation Cabinet, or Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources to provide for title examination and certification of land or interest in land paid for out of state funds.
.050 Land acquired by condemnation or damage suit -- Copy of judgment to be recorded.
.060 Recording of deeds or judgments affecting state lands -- Duty of clerk.
.062 Inspection -- Notice -- Asbestos agency account.
.063 Deposit and use of savings generated as result of refunding transaction.
.065 Definitions for KRS 56.070 to 56.180.
.070 Finance and Administration Cabinet determines state property to be insured through state fire and tornado insurance fund -- Exceptions.
.080 Appraisal and valuation of state property.
.090 Rate of premium, how fixed and certified.
.095 KRS Chapter 45A applicable to fire and tornado insurance contracts.
.100 State fire and tornado insurance fund -- Payments into -- Limit on risk -- Certificate of terms and conditions.
.110 Damage to state property -- How appraised.
.120 Payment for damages.
.130 Insufficient amount in fund.
.140 Investment of insurance fund.
.150 Expenses of administration.
.160 Reinsurance.
.170 Inspection for fire hazards -- Adjustment of premiums.
.180 Use of fund -- Disposition of excess.
.185 State agencies to comply with National Flood Insurance Program requirements for new construction.
.190 What lands may be appropriated -- Effect of previous entry, survey or patent.
.200 Actual settler -- Preemption right.
.210 Lands, how appropriated -- Disposition of proceeds.
.220 Lands in Ohio River bed.
.230 Survey, plat and certificate -- Issue of patent.
.240 Affidavits of applicant and surveyor.
.245 Caveats, entry of and proceedings.
.250 Entry or survey of lands previously patented unlawful.
.260 Plats and certificates of survey, how preserved.
.270 Land warrants partly appropriated.
.280 Incomplete records, how perfected.
.290 Authentication of records.
.300 Land office fees.
.310 Annual report to Governor.
.320 Custody of books and papers.
.325 Renumbered as KRS 42.037.
.330 Repealed, 1948.
.340 Repealed, 1949.
.350 Repealed, 1949.
.360 Repealed, 1949.
.370 Repealed, 1949.
.380 Repealed, 1949.
.390 Repealed, 1949.
.400 Repealed, 1949.
.410 Repealed, 1949.
.420 Repealed, 1949.
.430 Repealed, 1949.
.440 Definitions for chapter.
.450 State Property and Buildings Commission -- Issuance of revenue bonds.
.460 Commission to transfer to cabinet capital outlay appropriation.
.462 Duties of cabinet.
.463 Powers of cabinet in determining need, controlling, and disposing of real estate.
.464 Repealed, 1972.
.465 Disposition of land in custody of state agency.
.467 Commission to assist school financing.
.470 Acquisition of real estate by state agency.
.480 Engineers, appointments -- Studies of land and building needs -- Cost estimates.
.490 Repealed, 1968.
.491 Approval required for certain projects -- Conditions -- Exceptions.
.493 Repealed, 1974.
.495 Kentucky university and college projects.
.500 Powers of state agencies to acquire or dispose of land limited.
.505 Legislative intent respecting industrial development projects.
.510 Payments of costs -- Conveyance of title of industrial development, headquarters, or nonretail service and technology project -- Acquisition of public project by state -- Lease agreement or financing agreements.
.513 Interim financing -- Revenue bond anticipation notes -- Loan agreements -- Tax status.
.514 Types of bonds issuable to finance industrial development projects or building projects -- Terms -- Issuance -- Marketing -- Refunding.
.515 Leaseback agreement for fairgrounds improvements.
.520 Revenue bonds -- Investment of proceeds of authorized bonds.
.523 Refunding bonds.
.527 Revenues from bond projects, custody, investment, reports.
.530 Abandonment of incompleted building projects -- Settlement with architects, engineers, and contractors.
.540 Acts or actions taken by commission not invalidated -- Cabinet may complete transactions.
.550 Applicability of KRS 56.440 to 56.540 to certain projects.
.560 Cabinet may transfer unneeded portions of appropriations for construction of projects from one project to another.
.570 Information on revenue bonds issued by Commonwealth to be assembled and published.
.580 Special buildings account created.
.590 Construction, financing by state of public buildings and improvements in capital city -- Methods of financing -- Title to real estate.
.600 Repealed, 2009.
.601 Repealed, 2009.
.602 Repealed, 2009.
.603 Repealed, 2009.
.610 Legislative findings.
.620 Relocation assistance authorized.
.630 Repealed, 1988.
.640 Repealed, 1988.
.650 Repealed, 1988.
.660 Repealed, 1988.
.670 Repealed, 1988.
.680 Repealed, 1988.
.690 Administrative regulations for relocation assistance.
.700 Repealed, 1988.
.710 Repealed, 1988.
.720 Repealed, 1988.
.730 Repealed, 1988.
.740 Displacement payments not to be considered income.
.750 Repealed, 1988.
.760 Displacement assistance provided jointly with federal government or directly.
.770 Definitions for KRS 56.770 to 56.784.
.772 Legislative intent -- Energy Efficiency Program for State Government Buildings.
.774 Purpose of program -- Engineering analysis -- Methods of finance -- Documentation of savings.
.775 Required high-performance building standards -- Use of energy-efficiency products.
.776 Energy audit training program -- Additional programs on energy awareness.
.777 High-Performance Buildings Advisory Committee -- Membership -- Duties -- Administrative regulations -- Resource utilization.
.778 Inclusion of life-cycle energy cost analyses in bids or plans to construct or renovate state-owned buildings.
.780 Evaluation for cost-effective energy use and energy efficiency of buildings prior to lease or purchase -- Structure of leases.
.782 Report on use of energy-efficiency measures in state government -- Contents.
.783 Energy efficiency in state government buildings revolving loan fund.
.784 Guaranteed energy savings performance contracts -- Authority for administrative regulations.
.790 Repealed, 2010.
.800 Finance and Administration Cabinet responsible for leasing of all property for state use.
.802 Repealed, 1990.
.803 Procedure when agency requests space.
.8035 Conditions under which proposal to lease, lease-purchase, or exercise options to purchase new construction may be considered.
.804 Repealed, 1990.
.805 Lease of space in building owned by a governmental unit or space required because of emergency.
.806 Terms of lease -- Calculation of rent -- Option to purchase -- Lease-purchase agreement -- Right to cancel lease.
.808 Repealed, 1980.
.809 Statement of owners of property to be furnished to cabinet -- New statement required under certain conditions.
.810 Repealed, 1980.
.811 Repealed, 1990.
.812 Repealed, 1990.
.813 Request for additional space -- Improvements in premises -- Use of funds to improve leased building that state will own at end of lease term -- Amendment or modification of leases -- Emergency modification -- Register of proposed lease modifications.
.8135 Annual report by agency if space reconfigured, use changed, or number of employees occupying space changed for state-owned or leased property.
.814 Employees forbidden to disclose information prior to advertisement.
.816 Repealed, 1992.
.8161 Determination that agency is entitled to use built-to-suit to acquire space -- Definitions.
.8163 Built-to-suit selection committee.
.8165 Administrative support for selection committee.
.8167 Per diem of members who are not state employees -- Reimbursement for costs incurred.
.8169 Requests for proposals -- Procedures for awarding built-to-suit leases.
.8171 Certification by selection committee members -- Auditor's report to Capital Projects and Bond Oversight Committee.
.8173 Firm not to be considered when committee member or family member employed by or has interest in that firm.
.8175 Built-to-suit involving construction on private property -- Option to purchase.
.8177 Execution of built-to-suit agreements -- Recording of agreements.
.8179 Building and construction code requirements.
.818 Repealed, 1992.
.8181 Collusion among lease proposers prohibited.
.819 Procedure upon change in ownership of leased premises.
.820 Construction on state-owned land under built-to-suit lease agreements -- Leases without conveyance of title -- Buildings located in Fayette County.
.821 Lease records are public records.
.822 Limited judicial review.
.823 Reports on leases, exercise of options to purchase, completion of lease-purchase agreements, and lease modifications to Capital Projects and Bond Oversight Committee.
.830 Repealed, 1990.
.832 Lease by Commonwealth of real property in foreign jurisdiction.
.850 Regulations for traffic control and parking on state-owned property -- Enforcement powers.
.860 Purpose of KRS 56.860 to 56.869.
.8605 Definitions for KRS 56.860 to 56.869.
.861 Kentucky Asset/Liability Commission -- Membership -- Status as public corporation -- Selection of certain advisors -- Issuance of notes.
.862 Office of Financial Management -- Staffing function for commission.
.863 Powers and duties of the commission.
.864 Form of financing for tax and revenue anticipation notes, project notes, and funding notes.
.865 Designation of alternates by commission members -- Scope of authority -- Joint certificate concerning designation.
.866 Tax and revenue anticipation notes -- Purpose -- Sale and issuance -- Report to Capital Projects and Bond Oversight Committee.
.867 Project notes -- Sale and issuance -- Purposes -- Approval -- Status of notes with respect to the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions.
.868 Funding notes -- Purposes -- Sale and issuance -- Approval -- Status of notes with respect to the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions.
.869 Tax exemptions for notes issued by the commission -- Negotiability of notes.
.870 Approval of General Assembly required for certain state fiscal obligations --Statement for inclusion on bonds and notes and related materials on Commonwealth's involvement.
.871 Issuance and sale of certain bonds or notes exempt from provisions of KRS 56.870 to 56.874.
.872 Applicability -- Report of secretary of Finance and Administration Cabinet to General Assembly -- Procedure when cost exceeds cost approved by General Assembly.
.873 Rating of proposed revenue bonds required.
.874 Contracts with federal government for flood control projects requiring General Assembly approval.
.990 Penalties.