Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Special oath of sheriff.
.020 General bond of sheriff -- Minimum -- Record.
.030 Deputy sheriffs -- Certified court security officers -- Nonsworn personnel -- Participation in Law Enforcement Foundation Program -- Appointment of nonsworn special inspectors.
.035 Repealed, 1950.
.036 Uniforms for sheriffs, deputies, and court security officers -- Use -- Expense, how paid.
.040 Deputy's acts and omissions -- Liability for.
.045 Special deputies.
.050 Person may be empowered to execute process.
.060 Sheriff may command power of county.
.062 School and student safety issues training encouraged -- Collaboration between sheriffs and local school districts encouraged.
.065 Sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, and county police officer prohibited from requesting or requiring victim of alleged sexual offense to submit to polygraph or other examination -- Other prohibitions.
.070 Execution and return of process -- Territorial jurisdiction.
.075 Duty of sheriff to attend clerk's office.
.076 Sheriff to indorse time of receiving process.
.077 Breaking and entering buildings to execute process.
.078 Breaking and entering buildings to execute order of arrest.
.079 Process not to be returned "prevented by force."
.080 Return of "not found."
.085 Summons, return of -- Amendment if erroneous -- Penalty.
.090 Fines, forfeitures and fees -- Sheriff to collect.
.092 Sheriff to negotiate collection fee with governing body for special tax, license, fee, or other charge collected with tax bill -- Limitation.
.095 Fees for fingerprint impressions or photograph requested for professional, trade, or commercial purposes or personal use.
.100 Distrainable fee-bills -- Time allowed for collection.
.105 Money unpaid pending litigation.
.110 Execution of process after leaving office -- Rights of sureties.
.120 Money collected by sheriff -- Demand for.
.130 Sheriff to execute sentences of court and convey prisoners -- Coroner or jailer may act.
.140 Sheriff to attend and keep order in fiscal and Court of Justice courts -- Court security officers limited to Court of Justice courts.
.150 Sheriff to patrol roads -- Record of accidents.
.155 Motor vehicle impoundment -- Handling and storage fees -- Challenge to validity of impoundment -- Hearing -- Appeal.
.160 Repealed, 2017.
.170 Salary for services under KRS 70.150.
.180 Breaking and entering for purpose of executing writs.
.190 Obligations taken by officers.
.200 Elisor -- How appointed -- Term of office -- Powers -- Compensation.
.210 Mobile radio communication equipment for sheriffs and deputies.
.260 Option for county to create deputy sheriff merit board -- Expenses -- Membership -- Meetings -- Exclusion of certain deputy sheriffs who serve in policy-making positions.
.261 Adoption of rules -- Certified copies -- Subjects addressed -- Issuance of additional rules -- Repeal or amendment of existing rules.
.262 Collective bargaining for deputy sheriffs in merit system in county containing a consolidated local government or a city of first class -- Prohibition against strikes -- Employment contract with sheriff.
.263 Training requirements for counties having deputy sheriff merit board -- Training for deputy sheriff providing security service to the courts.
.265 Deputy sheriff merit boards to employ chief examiner -- Duties.
.267 Prohibited conduct -- Construction of section -- Probationary period.
.270 Disciplinary and removal procedures by sheriff -- Charges by citizen.
.273 Disciplinary and removal procedures by board -- Hearing -- Appeals.
.280 Court security officers -- Duties -- Prohibited conduct.
.282 Provision of security services for Court of Justice, courthouses, and courtrooms limited to sheriff and Department of Kentucky State Police -- Exceptions.
.284 Failure or refusal of sheriff to provide court security services -- Contracts with units of local government.
.290 Employment contract for deputy sheriff or peace officer -- Reimbursement of law enforcement agency when deputy or peace officer accepts employment with another agency.
.291 Definition of "police officer" for KRS 70.291 to 70.293.
.292 Sheriff may employ retired police officer -- Qualifications.
.293 Terms of employment of retired police officer.
.294 Employment contract for law enforcement telecommunicator.
.310 Bond and oath of constable and deputy constable -- Minimum -- Record.
.320 Deputy constables in authorized counties -- Qualifications.
.325 Powers and duties of constable. (Effective until July 1, 2025)
.325 Powers and duties of constable. (Effective July 1, 2025)
.330 Repealed, 2015.
.340 Powers after leaving office.
.350 Execution of process -- Jurisdiction.
.360 Return of "not found."
.370 Precedence of levying and satisfying writs.
.380 Staying or delay of process -- When constable excused by.
.390 To collect, return and receipt for claim.
.400 Claims placed in hands -- Not to become interested in.
.410 Motion against constable or deputy constable -- Notice.
.420 Recovery for failure to pay over money collected.
.430 Constable duties -- Monthly report.
.440 False entries in books and reports.
.510 Repealed, 1942.
.520 Repealed, 1942.
.530 Repealed, 1942.
.540 County police force authorized -- Jurisdiction -- Appointment -- Qualifications -- Term -- Oath -- Officers.
.542 Auxiliary county police force.
.545 Repealed, 1978.
.550 Repealed, 1978.
.560 Repealed, 1978.
.561 Repealed, 1950.
.570 Repealed, 1978.
.580 Repealed, 1984.
.582 Repealed, 1984.
.584 Repealed, 1984.
.586 Repealed, 1984.
.588 Repealed, 1984.
.590 Repealed, 1984.
.592 Repealed, 1984.
.594 Repealed, 1984.
.596 Repealed, 1984.
.598 Repealed, 1984.
.610 Guards for safekeeping prisoner.
.990 Penalties.