Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 02/07/2025 %--span>
.005 Definitions for chapter.
.010 Creation and boundaries of districts.
.015 Action of fiscal court and city legislative body necessary to activate district.
.020 Public hearings for determination of whether district shall function.
.025 Notice of hearings.
.030 Resolution of fiscal court to be based upon findings of fact.
.035 Ordinance of city legislative body to be based upon findings of fact.
.040 Form and sufficiency of resolution and ordinance.
.045 Certified copies of resolution and ordinance admissible in evidence.
.050 Name and corporate powers of district.
.055 District to function immediately following activation -- Conclusiveness of activation and organization.
.060 General powers of district.
.065 County officers are ex officio officers and other personnel of district -- Exception for county containing city of first class or consolidated local government or county where largest city has population of 20,000 or more -- Effect of compact -- Employees of district upon establishment of consolidated local government.
.070 Air pollution control board, membership -- Qualifications -- Vacancies -- Removal -- Effect of compact -- Membership of board upon establishment of consolidated local government.
.075 Air pollution control board members to serve without compensation.
.080 Meetings of board.
.085 Election of chairman and vice chairman -- Secretary-treasurer and air pollution control officer -- Deputies, assistants, and other employees.
.090 Air pollution control officer, assistants, deputies and other employees in counties not containing a consolidated local government or a city with a population of 20,000 or more.
.095 Employment of professional, technical or other advisers, experts and employees.
.100 Bond of secretary-treasurer, air pollution control officer and other officers and employees.
.105 Hearing board -- Membership, qualifications, term, removal.
.110 Persons ineligible to membership on boards or employment by district.
.115 Air pollution control board is governing body of district -- Duties, responsibilities, and regulatory authority of board -- Vehicle exhaust testing program -- Limitations -- Exemptions.
.120 Compensation of officers and employees.
.125 Appropriations by city and county.
.127 Air quality trust fund.
.130 Fiscal year.
.135 Budget -- Contingent fund -- Compliance with KRS 65A.010 to 65A.090.
.140 Accounting -- Audits and attestation procedures.
.145 Duties of air pollution control officer -- Powers as peace officer.
.150 Prohibitions inapplicable unless district activated.
.155 Prohibited emission of air contaminants.
.160 Operations exempted from provisions of KRS 77.155.
.165 Right of entry and inspection powers of air pollution control officer, assistants and deputies.
.170 Stricter local regulation not preempted -- Local ordinances not superseded -- Exceptions.
.175 Violations may be enjoined.
.180 Orders, rules and regulations.
.185 Public hearing to be held before enactment of orders, rules, or regulations -- Adoption of procedural rules for the promulgation of regulations.
.190 Authority to enact orders, rules and regulations for reduction of air pollution.
.192 Board to promulgate administrative regulations to implement federal statute relating to alternative emission limitations.
.195 Regulation of installations which may cause emission of air contaminants -- Issuance of permits -- Changes -- Submission of plans and specifications -- Exempted installations.
.200 Authority to contract with city or county for assistance in regulation of installations.
.205 Annual emission fees -- Permit fees.
.210 Payment of permit fees to city or county assisting in regulation of installations.
.215 Information concerning installations to be furnished air pollution control officer.
.220 Suspension of permit for failure or refusal to furnish information concerning installation -- Notice -- Reinstatement.
.225 Public hearing on revocation or suspension of permit.
.230 Powers of hearing board after public hearing.
.235 Violations.
.240 Injunctive relief for certain violations.
.245 Variances may be permitted.
.250 Hearings on variances -- Notice.
.255 Fees for variances.
.260 Standards prescribed for granting variances.
.265 Hearing on revocation or modification of variance -- Notice.
.270 Time limit may be specified in order permitting variance.
.275 Continuation of variances granted by prior ordinance.
.280 Application of KRS 77.280 to 77.305 to certain hearings.
.285 Hearing board, chairman -- Rehearing.
.290 Subpoenas.
.295 Enforcement of subpoenas by contempt proceedings -- Personal attachment.
.300 Members of hearing board may administer oaths to witnesses.
.305 Appeals.
.310 Proceedings for alleged violations of chapter or regulations and for petitions for a hearing on board orders or determinations -- Hearing officers.
.315 Appeals from final orders of board -- Appeals from Circuit Court orders.
.320 Elimination of vehicle emissions testing program in county containing consolidated local government -- Determination of need for program.
.325 Evidentiary privilege for environmental audit under KRS 224.1-040 applicable to any person or facility that performs an environmental audit under KRS Chapter 77.
.990 Penalties.