Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Attachment by sheriff to collect taxes or public dues -- Notice -- Parties.
.020 Effect of notice of attachment -- Hearing -- Defense by taxpayer -- Judgment -- Delivery of debt to sheriff -- Release of taxpayer.
.030 Issue of process and executions on judgments in favor of the state.
.040 Equitable action by Department of Revenue on unsatisfied execution or uncollectible tax bill -- County attorney to assist -- Limitation -- Penalty.
.050 Action by Department of Revenue to ascertain and collect taxes -- Injunction -- Attachment and garnishment.
.060 Action by employees of Department of Revenue for money due state or taxing district from collecting officer or taxpayer -- Penalty.
.070 Repealed, 1994.
.080 Action by Department of Revenue against defaulting collector -- Notice -- Docketing and trial -- Judgment.
.090 Jury trial if execution of bond or instrument denied -- Evidence admitted.
.100 Lien of judgment -- Replevin of execution -- Officer's return -- Interference with sale.
.110 Liability of officer for failing to levy or return execution in name of state or county.
.120 Levy of execution on previously encumbered property -- Sale and distribution of proceeds.
.130 Removal of property to other counties for sale -- Multiple executions.
.140 Repealed, 1962.
.150 Repealed, 1962.
.160 Repealed, 1962.
.170 Repealed, 1962.
.180 Repealed, 1962.
.190 Reciprocity -- Tax suits by other states and political subdivisions.
.990 Penalties.