Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 02/15/2025 %--span>
.010 Repealed, 1954.
.015 Repealed, 1976.
.020 Repealed, 1954.
.025 Repealed, 1976.
.027 Establishment of public library facilities construction fund -- Requirement that department report assistance awards to Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations and Revenue.
.030 Repealed, 1954.
.035 Repealed, 1976.
.040 Repealed, 1954.
.045 Repealed, 1976.
.050 Repealed, 1954.
.055 Repealed, 1976.
.060 Repealed, 1954.
.065 Repealed, 1976.
.070 Repealed, 1976.
.080 Repealed, 1976.
.090 Repealed, 1976.
.100 Repealed, 1976.
.110 Repealed, 1976.
.120 Repealed, 1954.
.125 Definitions for KRS 171.130 to 171.306.
.130 Department for Libraries and Archives -- Commissioner.
.140 General powers and duties.
.145 Authority to provide library services for qualified readers with disabilities.
.150 Power to accept money appropriated and granted.
.160 State Treasurer to be trustee of funds -- Disbursements.
.170 Department to cooperate with federal government.
.180 Reports and audits by local libraries and state officials.
.190 Merit system of employment to be used.
.200 Department to administer and maintain improved cooperative and integrated system of library service.
.2001 Legislative intent.
.201 Public library service appropriations -- Public library services improvement and equalization fund -- Purposes -- Restrictions -- Distribution formula.
.202 Administration of fund.
.203 Expenditure of funds.
.204 Grants in aid to public libraries -- Acceptance of federal funds.
.205 Legislative intent declared.
.210 Federal laws -- Department to give notice of acceptance of.
.215 Department to purchase textbooks for use by nonpublic school pupils in grades one through twelve.
.220 Contracts with government agencies for establishing local library service.
.221 Cooperative library services with other states.
.223 Delivery to Attorney General of written information concerning retention and management of public records.
.228 Imagination Library of Kentucky Program -- Establishment -- Purpose -- Administration -- Trust fund.
.230 Application of KRS 171.240 to 171.306.
.240 Board for certification of librarians.
.250 Certificates of librarianship -- To whom granted.
.260 Certificate required.
.270 Fee for certificate.
.280 Librarian's certification fund.
.290 Revocation of certificates -- Notice.
.300 Hearings to reconsider applications.
.303 Library science scholarships -- Library Science Scholarship Fund Advisory Committee.
.306 Obligations of library science scholarship recipient.
.310 Repealed, 1960.
.311 Kentucky Historical Society.
.312 Divisions of society -- Division directors.
.313 Duties as to information concerning Kentucky family cemeteries and as to gravesites of historically significant people -- Administrative regulations.
.315 Headquarters of society -- Priority for maintenance.
.320 Repealed, 1954.
.321 Receipts by society from nongovernmental sources -- Audit of fund.
.325 Local history trust fund -- Purpose -- Application, qualification, and approval standards -- Administrative regulations.
.330 Repealed, 1960
.340 Old books and documents -- Governor and fiscal courts may authorize delivery to society.
.345 Kentucky Military History Museum -- Duties of Kentucky Historical Society and Department of Military Affairs -- Location -- Advisory committees.
.347 Commonwealth of Kentucky Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission -- Membership.
.348 Duties of Kentucky Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission.
.349 Commission to expire on June 30, 2010.
.350 Repealed, 1958.
.360 Repealed, 1958.
.370 Repealed, 1958.
.380 Repealed, 1958.
.3801 Kentucky Heritage Council -- Members -- Officers -- Meetings -- Heritage division-- Reorganization prohibited.
.381 Duties and functions of council -- Duties of state historic preservation officer.
.382 Proposed nomination to National Register of Historic Places -- Notice -- Hearing.
.383 Designation of covered wooden bridges as shrines.
.384 Historic preservation review board created -- Members -- Compensation.
.385 Washington, Kentucky Historic Township Commission -- Creation.
.387 Commission membership -- Powers -- Personnel.
.388 Kentucky Register of Heritage Farms.
.390 Report of activities required from commission.
.391 Definitions for KRS 171.391 to 171.393.
.392 Rock fence preservation fund.
.393 Rock Fence Preservation Program -- Administrative regulations -- Limitation on use of grant funds.
.394 Kentucky battlefield preservation fund -- Purposes and uses -- Grants program -- Eligible costs -- Easements -- Duties of council.
.395 Official museums.
.396 Definitions for KRS 171.396, 171.3961, and 171.397.
.3961 Credit against individual, corporate, and limited liability tax for certified rehabilitation to a qualifying certified historic structure within jurisdiction of consolidated local government or urban-county government.
.3963 Tax credit for major certified rehabilitation of historic structure.
.397 Rehabilitation of certified historic structures -- Qualified rehabilitation expenses -- Tax credit -- Penalty -- Administrative regulations.
.400 Oral history interview -- Confidentiality.
.410 Definitions for KRS 171.420 to 171.740.
.420 State Libraries, Archives, and Records Commission.
.430 Expenses of commission members.
.440 Commission meetings.
.450 Department procedures and regulations.
.460 Records management survey.
.470 Records management promotion -- Reports.
.480 Buildings and facilities.
.490 Repealed, 1962.
.500 Central depository.
.510 Advisory groups for commission.
.520 Supervision of state and local agencies -- Plan for comprehensive records management system for state government -- Rules and regulations.
.530 Retention and recovery of records.
.540 Inspection of agency records.
.550 Processing and servicing records.
.560 Transfer of records.
.570 Extension of agency retention period.
.580 Historical records.
.590 Public nature of records in department's custody.
.600 Servicing records.
.610 Facilities for public inspection.
.620 Private documents of public interest.
.630 Reproduction fee.
.640 Documentation of agency matters -- Standards, rules and regulations.
.650 Repealed, 1976.
.660 Authorized reproductions -- Disposal of originals.
.670 Destruction of records.
.680 Records management by agencies.
.690 Storage of agency records.
.700 Certification of records.
.710 Safeguarding agency records.
.720 Agency recovery of records.
.730 Effect on public accounting and confidential nature of agency records.
.740 General Assembly records.
.750 Repealed, 2017.
.751 Repealed, 2017.
.752 Repealed, 2017.
.755 Repealed, 2017.
.757 Repealed, 2017.
.780 Definitions for KRS 171.780 to 171.788.
.782 Kentucky Military Heritage Commission -- Membership -- Request for designation of sites and objects -- Administrative regulations -- Funding -- Employees.
.784 Nomination of locations and objects for military heritage designation -- Rescission.
.786 Meaning of military heritage designation -- Administrative regulations.
.788 Penalties for destruction or alteration.
.800 Kentucky African-American Heritage Commission -- Members -- Officers -- Meetings -- Funding -- Program established.
.805 Purpose of commission -- Duties and functions.
.810 Definitions for KRS 171.810 to 171.814.
.812 Underground Railroad initiative.
.814 Repealed, 2017.
.816 Duties of Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet relating to history of Underground Railroad in Kentucky -- Annual report.
.820 Kentucky Native American Heritage Commission -- Members -- Officers -- Meetings -- Funding.
.822 Duties of Kentucky Native American Heritage Commission.
.830 Definitions for KRS 171.830 to 171.849.
.833 Notification of provisions of KRS 171.830 to 171.849 to owner-lender by museum.
.836 Museum's ability to acquire title to property held by loan or otherwise.
.840 Procedure to acquire title under KRS 171.836.
.843 Vesting of title in museum when no assertion presented after published notice.
.846 Conservation measures for property on loan to museum.
.849 Kentucky Historical Society to promulgate administrative regulations to implement KRS 171.830 to 171.849.
.990 Penalties.