Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Physicians and heads of families to report diseases to local board of health.
.015 Reporting of authorized or required immunization.
.017 Caregiver of individual with diabetes may administer or assist with self-administration of diabetes medications if the caregiver is appropriately trained and has the written authorization of the individual's health care practitioner.
.020 Cabinet to adopt administrative regulations and take other action to prevent spread of disease -- Requirements for administrative regulations.
.030 Repealed, 1970.
.032 Definition for KRS 158.035, 214.010, 214.020, and 214.032 to 214.036.
.034 Immunization of children -- Testing and treatment of children for tuberculosis -- Requirement for reception and retention of current immunization certificate by schools and child-care facilities.
.036 Exceptions to testing or immunization requirement.
.040 Repealed, 1968.
.050 Repealed, 1968.
.060 Repealed, 1968.
.070 Repealed, 1968.
.080 Repealed, 1968.
.090 Repealed, 1968.
.100 Repealed, 1968.
.110 Repealed, 1968.
.120 Repealed, 1968.
.130 Repealed, 1968.
.140 Repealed, 1968.
.150 Repealed, 1968.
.155 Screening and tests for heritable disorders for newborns and infants -- Screening for critical congenital heart disease -- Information provided to parent or guardian -- Application for federal grants -- Section cited as James William Lazzaro and Madison Leigh Heflin Newborn Screening Act.
.160 Blood specimen of pregnant women to be taken -- Laboratory test -- Substance abuse tests of pregnant women and newborn infants -- Use of tests -- Report if infant is affected by substance abuse withdrawal symptoms -- Tests for presence of hepatitis B and hepatitis C.
.170 Person taking to identify blood specimen -- Reports of tests.
.175 Anonymous surveys of substance abuse during pregnancy -- Participation -- Confidentiality -- Funding.
.180 Repealed, 1972.
.181 Legislative findings -- General consent to testing for HIV -- Emergency procedures -- Disclosures of test results -- Voluntary testing programs in each county.
.185 Diagnosis and treatment of disease, addictions, or other conditions of minor -- Provision of outpatient mental health counseling -- Effective consent.
.187 Statewide hepatitis C education, awareness, and information program.
.190 Repealed, 1984.
.200 Repealed, 1984.
.210 Repealed, 1984.
.220 Repealed, 1984.
.230 Repealed, 1972.
.240 Repealed, 1984.
.250 Repealed, 1984.
.260 Repealed, 1984.
.270 Repealed, 1984.
.280 Regulation of mattresses -- "Mattress" defined.
.290 Materials used in mattresses -- Regulation of.
.300 Labels on mattresses -- Regulation of.
.310 Enforcement of mattress law.
.320 Repealed, 1968.
.330 Repealed, 1970.
.340 Repealed, 1970.
.350 Repealed, 1970.
.360 Repealed, 1970.
.370 Repealed, 1970.
.400 Short title.
.410 Definitions.
.420 Records declared confidential -- Application.
.430 Expedited partner therapy for sexually transmitted infections.
.450 Definitions for KRS 214.452 to 214.466.
.452 Blood establishments to be federally licensed -- Inspection fees -- Donor conditions -- Forms -- Sign posting.
.454 Donations -- Conditions.
.456 Autologous or directed donations -- Surcharges -- Conditions.
.458 Blood for transfusion -- Labeling -- Data retention -- Destruction.
.460 Repealed, 1994.
.462 Repealed, 1994.
.464 Transfusion of untested blood -- Conditions -- Patient notification.
.466 Health care provider and facility civil liability exemption.
.468 Donation of blood to nonprofit voluntary program by person age seventeen or older -- Criteria for donation by person sixteen years of age.
.500 Repealed, 1990.
.510 Repealed, 1990.
.520 Repealed, 1990.
.530 Repealed, 1990.
.540 Definitions for KRS 214.540 to 214.544 -- Establishment and limitation of Colon Cancer Screening and Prevention Program.
.542 Eligibility for Colon Cancer Screening Program -- Services provided -- Income-based fee schedule -- Funding -- Affordability -- Data collection -- Administrative regulations.
.543 Kentucky Colon Cancer Screening and Prevention Program fund.
.544 Colon Cancer Screening and Prevention Advisory Committee -- Membership -- Duties -- Annual report -- Colon cancer screening, education, and outreach programs.
.550 Definitions for KRS 214.552 to 214.556.
.552 Breast cancer screening fund.
.554 Breast Cancer Screening Program -- Data and analysis.
.555 Recommendation of digital mammography including breast tomosynthesis -- Notice to patient for whom mammogram demonstrates dense breast tissue -- Expiration date of notice requirement.
.556 Kentucky Cancer Registry -- Cancer patient data management system.
.560 Lung Cancer Screening Program -- Definitions and limitations for KRS 214.560 to 214.564.
.562 Kentucky Lung Cancer Screening Program fund.
.564 Lung Cancer Screening Advisory Committee.
.565 Definitions for KRS 214.565 to 214.571.
.567 Educational resources regarding congenital cytomegalovirus.
.569 Testing of infants with risk factors.
.571 Administrative regulations.
.600 Legislative findings.
.605 Public education program.
.610 Cabinet for Health and Family Services to approve educational courses on all aspects of HIV and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome -- Publication of current informational resources to inform and update all health care professionals.
.615 Repealed, 2015.
.620 Cabinet for Health and Family Services, in consultation with professional associations, to develop instructional material on HIV -- Comprehensive information to be presented to any person receiving treatment.
.625 Legislative findings -- Consent for medical procedures and tests including HIV infection -- Physician's responsibility -- Confidentiality of results -- Exceptions -- Disclosure -- Network of voluntary HIV testing programs.
.627 Self-test for HIV infection.
.630 Payment of costs.
.635 Estimate of AIDS and HIV infection impact on state spending for health.
.640 HIV and AIDS Planning and Advisory Council -- Membership -- Functions.
.645 Reporting system of HIV-positive persons -- Confidentiality and reporting requirements -- Reporting system surveillance, assessment, and restrictions.
.650 Review of HIV and AIDS care coordination -- Surveillance of newborns exposed to HIV -- HIV and AIDS pharmacological services.
.655 Availability of grant opportunities for treatment of HIV and AIDS.
.990 Penalties.
.995 Penalties for disclosure of HIV test results or identity of person upon whom test is performed -- Exceptions.