Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 02/14/2025 %--span>
.005 Definitions for chapter.
.010 Repealed, 1960.
.015 Professional service corporation authorized -- Articles of incorporation requirements -- Authority -- Amendment of articles to become business corporation.
.017 Restricted issuance and transfer of shares.
.019 Proxy -- Voting trust.
.020 Repealed, 1960.
.025 Repealed, 1980.
.027 Qualifications of officers and members of board -- Voting.
.030 Repealed, 1960.
.035 Repealed, 1980.
.040 Repealed, 1960.
.045 Persons authorized to render service.
.050 Repealed, 1960.
.055 Effect of chapter -- Liability.
.060 Repealed, 1960.
.065 Regulation of practice unaffected.
.070 Repealed, 1960.
.075 Repealed, 1980.
.077 Repealed, 2011.
.080 Repealed, 1960.
.085 Repealed, 1980.
.087 Repealed, 2010.
.090 Repealed, 1960.
.095 Withdrawing shareholders -- Procedure for redemption of stock -- Procedure upon death of sole shareholder -- Insolvency.
.100 Repealed, 1960.
.105 Contents of annual reports.
.110 Repealed, 1960.
.115 Business restrictions.
.120 Repealed, 1960.
.125 Application of chapter.
.130 Repealed, 1960.
.140 Repealed, 1960.
.150 Repealed, 1960.
.160 Repealed, 1960.
.170 Repealed, 1960.
.180 Repealed, 1960.
.190 Repealed, 1960.
.200 Repealed, 1960.
.210 Repealed, 1960.
.220 Repealed, 1960.
.230 Repealed, 1960.
.240 Repealed, 1960.
.245 Repealed, 2011.
.250 Repealed, 2011.
.255 Repealed, 2011.
.990 Penalty.
.991 Additional penalties for violation of KRS 506.010, 506.030, 506.040, 521.020, or 521.050.