Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Definitions for KRS 280.020 to 280.130.
.020 Certificate of convenience and necessity required to operate toll bridge or ferry connecting with state primary road system.
.030 Application for certificate -- When granted.
.040 Operations to comply with certificate, rules of department and statutes.
.050 Repealed, 1942.
.060 Annual report.
.070 Report of accidents -- Interruptions to service.
.080 Department of Highways to enforce law -- Power to regulate rates and service and require reports.
.090 Inspection of bridges and ferries.
.100 Suspension or revocation of certificate -- When department to operate bridge or ferry.
.110 Hearings -- Appeals.
.120 Warning signs and lights on roads approaching ferry.
.130 Mooring of ferry boats -- Docks -- Aprons.
.140 Consolidation of corporations operating toll bridges across boundary streams.
.150 Ownership or interest in more than one bridge forbidden.
.160 Repealed, 2000.
.170 Application of KRS 280.180 to 280.290.
.180 Repealed, 1984.
.190 Repealed, 1984.
.200 Repealed, 1984.
.210 Condemnation of land for ferry purposes.
.220 Revocation of ferry privilege.
.230 Grant of unclaimed or abandoned ferry privilege to another.
.240 County judge/executive to prescribe number and kind of boats and number of hands.
.250 Rates of toll.
.260 Ferry service to be prompt.
.270 Waiting rooms for passengers.
.280 Ferry owner or lessee to grade and pave banks of stream where road crosses.
.290 Appeals in ferry cases.
.300 Power to build bridges over navigable waters in Kentucky.
.310 Repealed, 1984.
.320 Repealed, 1984.
.330 Repealed, 1984.
.990 Penalties.