Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.080 Definitions for KRS 309.080 to 309.089.
.0805 Use of titles restricted to individuals who are licensed, certified, or registered with the board -- Construction.
.081 Board of Alcohol and Drug Counselors.
.0813 Duties of board -- Administrative regulations -- Fees.
.0814 Administrative regulations regarding supervisors of record.
.082 Revolving fund for implementation of KRS 309.080 to 309.089.
.083 Requirements for certification as alcohol and drug counselors.
.0830 Requirements for licensure as licensed alcohol and drug counselor.
.0831 Requirements for registration as an alcohol and drug peer support specialist.
.0832 Requirements for licensure as a licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor.
.0833 Requirements for licensure as a licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor associate.
.0834 Requirements for certification as certified clinical supervisor -- Supervision authorized.
.0836 Requirements for registration as a temporary alcohol and drug peer support specialist.
.084 Certification of applicants -- Administrative regulations.
.0841 Requirements for certification as an associate alcohol and drug counselor.
.0842 Requirements for certification as an associate alcohol and drug counselor.
.085 Renewal of licenses, certificates, and registrations -- Cancellation and reinstatement.
.086 Revocation, suspension, probation, or restriction of license, certificate, or registration -- Hearings -- Appeals.
.087 Application for reinstatement of revoked license, certificate, or registration.
.088 Reciprocity for licensure, certification, and registration.
.089 Additional penalties for licensees, certificate holders, or registrants.
.130 Definitions for KRS 309.130 to 309.1399.
.1305 Application of statutes -- Construction of chapter -- Misuse of title or status prohibited.
.131 Kentucky Board of Licensure for Professional Art Therapists.
.1315 Duties of board.
.133 Requirements for licensure -- Licensure without examination -- Reciprocity.
.1335 Renewal of license -- Continuing education experience requirement -- Suspension -- Reinstatement -- Retirement notification.
.134 Licensure of professional art therapy associate -- Education -- Supervision -- Terms of licensure -- Advancement.
.135 Fees.
.137 Disciplinary action.
.1375 Administrative hearings concerning disciplinary actions.
.138 Licensed professional art therapy practice board fund.
.1399 Penalty.
.300 Definitions for KRS 309.300 to 309.319.
.301 Licensing for interpreters required -- Exceptions.
.302 Kentucky Board of Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
.304 Powers and duties of board -- Administrative regulations.
.306 Fees credited to revolving fund.
.308 Kentucky Board of Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Policy Committee.
.310 Duties of policy committee.
.312 Eligibility for license and temporary license.
.314 Renewal and reinstatement of license -- Continuing education.
.316 Classification of offenses -- Investigation of wrongdoing -- Hearing -- Sanctions -- Hearing for denial of application.
.318 Board's disciplinary powers -- Reasons for sanctions -- Appeal to Franklin Circuit Court.
.319 Penalty.
.325 Definitions for KRS 309.325 to 309.339.
.327 Use of titles -- Application and construction of KRS 309.325 to 309.339.
.328 Penalty for violation of KRS 309.327(1).
.329 Kentucky Board of Licensed Diabetes Educators.
.331 Duties of board.
.333 Revolving fund.
.334 Apprentice diabetes educator -- Administrative regulations.
.335 Diabetes educator license -- Requirements -- Renewal -- Issuance of license before July 1, 2014 -- Application for licensure before May 1, 2014.
.336 Master licensed diabetes educator -- Administrative regulations.
.337 Continuing education requirements.
.339 Grounds for refusal to issue or renew a license, suspension or revocation of a license, administrative reprimand, probation, or fine -- Hearing.
.350 Definitions for KRS 309.350 to 309.364.
.351 Prohibited acts.
.352 Scope of KRS 309.350 to 309.364.
.353 License required to practice massage therapy or use titles, advertisements, or signs indicating massage therapy is provided.
.3535 Penalty for violation of KRS 309.353.
.354 Kentucky Board of Licensure for Massage Therapy -- Appointments -- Terms -- Reimbursement -- Removal.
.355 Powers and duties of board -- Criminal background investigations.
.356 Revolving fund.
.357 Establishment of schedule of fees for issuance, active and inactive renewal, and restoration of licenses and certificates -- Continuing professional education.
.358 Qualifications for license -- Photo of licensee to be incorporated into license.
.359 Reciprocity.
.360 Repealed, 2010.
.361 Renewal -- Continuing education requirements.
.362 Grounds for refusal to issue or renew a license, suspension or revocation of a license, administrative reprimand, or probation.
.363 Board approval of massage therapy program of instruction -- Requirements -- Continuing education guidelines.
.3631 Annual renewal of certificate of good standing.
.364 Preemption of local regulation -- No effect on local zoning requirements or occupational license fees.
.400 Short title.
.402 Definitions for KRS 309.400 to 309.422.
.404 Kentucky Board of Durable Medical Equipment Suppliers.
.406 Duties of board -- Administrative regulations -- Order for violator to pay reasonable costs of investigation and prosecution.
.408 Revolving fund -- Purposes.
.410 Legend or order from health care practitioner required.
.412 License required to provide or hold oneself out as providing home medical equipment and services -- Exemptions.
.414 Application for license -- Fee -- Record retention -- Administrative regulations -- Confidentiality.
.416 Issuance and renewal of licenses -- Separate license required for each location -- Display of license -- Transfer of license prohibited.
.418 Grounds for refusal to issue or renew, suspend, or revoke a license or otherwise discipline a licensee -- Reinstatement -- Expungement of minor violation -- Administrative regulations.
.420 Reciprocity with bordering states.
.422 Providing home medical equipment and services without license -- Penalty.
.430 Definitions for KRS 309.430 to 304.454.
.432 Creation of Kentucky Board of Radon Safety -- Qualifications of members -- Terms -- Vacancies -- Quorum -- Officers -- Immunity -- Reimbursements.
.434 Powers and responsibilities of Board of Radon Safety.
.436 Prohibition against conduct of radon measurement, mitigation, or laboratory analysis without certification -- Exceptions.
.438 Registration as radon measurement contractor -- Renewal of registration certificate -- Duties of measurement contractor.
.440 Registration as mitigation contractor -- Renewal of registration certificate -- Duties of mitigation contractor.
.442 Insurance policy required for mitigation and measurement contractors.
.444 Registration as radon laboratory -- Renewal of registration certificate -- Requirements for radon laboratory.
.446 When business entity may engage in radon measurement, mitigation, or laboratory analysis.
.448 Sanctions for misconduct -- Board's powers -- Appeals.
.450 Board's powers to examine, inspect, and test -- Prohibition upon interfering with inspection.
.452 Duty to report noncompliance with KRS 309.430 to 309.454 -- Location and retention of required records.
.454 Radon control fund.
.460 Definitions for KRS 309.460 to 309.464.
.462 Certification of community health workers -- Continuing education for recertification -- College course credit.
.464 Duties of Department for Public Health.