Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.002 Declarations of public policy -- Construction of chapter.
.005 Purpose of chapter.
.010 Definitions for chapter.
.020 Only pharmacists to supervise manufacturing of pharmaceuticals or practice pharmacy -- Exceptions -- Access to pharmacy electronic database allowed under specific conditions -- Persons employed to assist practice of pharmacy after April 1, 2009, to be registered pharmacy technicians or exempt under KRS 315.135.
.030 Permit required -- License required to represent oneself as pharmacist -- Registration required to represent oneself as pharmacy technician.
.035 Permit required for operation of a pharmacy -- Application -- Fee -- Issuance -- Fee for failure to renew -- Premises covered by permit -- Rules and regulations -- Requirements for in-state pharmacy doing business through the Internet -- Board may waive permit requirements for out-of-state pharmacy -- Temporary operation of pharmacy during state of emergency.
.0350 Administrative activities of a pharmacy.
.0351 Out-of-state pharmacy -- Permit -- Requests for information -- Records -- Toll-free telephone service -- Pharmacist on duty -- Requirements for out-of-state pharmacy doing business through the Internet -- Application to sale or distribution of dialysate solution or devices.
.036 Permit to be acquired by manufacturer -- Fee -- Records required -- Report -- Exception.
.038 Definitions for section -- Ambulatory pharmacies -- Reporting requirements -- Data to be shared with commissioner of insurance -- Contract with third-party to collect or process data.
.040 Exceptions to chapter.
.050 Qualifications of applicant for licensure -- Examination -- Standards for internship -- Certificate of internship.
.060 Examination fee.
.065 Continuing education requirements.
.070 Repealed, 1982.
.080 Repealed, 1982.
.085 Repealed, 1982.
.090 Repealed, 1966.
.100 Repealed, 1982.
.110 License expiration date -- Renewal fee -- Application and requirements -- Certificate -- Display -- Pocket certificate.
.115 Renewal fees suspended for persons in Armed Forces.
.120 Notification of failure to renew license -- Procedure for renewal of expired license -- Renewal after lapse of five or more years -- Inactive license.
.121 Grounds for acting against licensee -- Notification to board of conviction required -- Petition for reinstatement -- Expungement.
.123 Repealed, 1982.
.125 Mental or physical examination ordered by board -- Effect of failure to submit to examination.
.126 Pharmacist recovery network committee -- Administrative regulations -- Assessment -- Confidentiality -- Reporting restrictions.
.127 Repealed, 1982.
.130 Repealed, 1966.
.131 Proceedings before fine, probation, suspension, revocation of license, permit, or certificate -- Appeals -- Emergency suspension prior to disciplinary hearing.
.135 Registration as pharmacy technician required to assist in the practice of pharmacy -- Exemptions.
.136 Requirements for registration as pharmacy technician.
.137 Denial of application for registration as pharmacy technician -- Hearing.
.138 Renewal of registration as pharmacy technician -- Display of registration certificate.
.140 Repealed, 1982.
.150 Board membership -- Appointment -- Term -- Vacancy -- Oath -- Quorum.
.155 Removal of board members.
.160 Election of officers -- Executive director -- Meetings.
.170 Repealed, 1966.
.171 Compensation of board members and executive director.
.180 Executive director to keep record of persons issued licenses, permits or certificates.
.190 Repealed, 1966.
.191 Powers and duties of board -- Advisory council.
.192 Repealed, 2017.
.193 Board members' immunity for official acts.
.195 Agency fund -- Use.
.200 For whom prescriptions to be refilled.
.202 Exercise of judgment by pharmacist to dispense varying quantities of prescription drug per fill.
.205 Notification of immunization to minor's primary care provider.
.210 Reciprocity.
.220 Powers of representatives of board.
.230 Restraint of violations -- Legal representation.
.235 Attorney General's jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute violators of pharmacy laws.
.295 Automated pharmacy system in residential hospice facilities.
.300 Placement of drugs by pharmacy with authorized employees of home health agencies and hospices -- Protocol -- Allowable legend drugs -- Administrative regulations.
.310 Duty of treating pharmacist utilizing telehealth to ensure patient's informed consent and maintain confidentiality -- Board to promulgate administrative regulations -- Definition of "telehealth".
.315 Presumption regarding prescription or medical order.
.320 Illegal operation of out-of-state pharmacy -- Exemption for lapsed license or permit -- Penalty -- Exceptions from section.
.325 Exemption from pharmacy licensing requirements for common carriers transporting drugs.
.330 Seizure and forfeiture of illegal drug shipments.
.335 Reporting of robbery, theft, or missing shipment of controlled substances.
.340 Permit for operation of in-state outsourcing facility doing business in Kentucky -- Requirements -- Administrative regulations.
.342 Permit for operation of out-of-state outsourcing facility doing business in Kentucky -- Requirements -- Administrative regulations.
.350 License required for medical gas wholesaler operating within state -- Fee -- Recordkeeping -- Penalty for noncompliance -- Administrative regulations.
.400 Definitions for KRS 315.400 to 315.412.
.402 Licensure of wholesale distributors of prescription drugs -- Record retention -- Administrative regulations -- Confidentiality.
.404 Returns or exchanges of prescription drugs.
.406 Prescription drug pedigree for drugs leaving normal distribution channel -- Administrative regulations.
.408 Electronic track and trace system.
.410 Order to cease distribution of prescription drugs -- Hearing.
.4102 License required for each facility of a third-party logistics provider.
.4104 Required license application information and fee for third-party logistics provider.
.4106 Eligibility factors for initial licensure and renewal for third-party logistics provider.
.4108 List of owners and designated representatives of third-party logistics provider subject to board inspection -- Persons disqualified from being owner or designated representative.
.4110 Third-party logistics provider must comply with all laws and regulations -- Inspection access required -- Penalty for noncompliance.
.412 Penalties for violation of KRS 315.400 to 315.410.
.450 Definitions for KRS 315.450 to 315.460.
.452 Legend Drug Repository Program to be established -- Purpose -- Permitted donations -- Voluntary participation -- Handling fee -- Distribution.
.454 Requirements for accepting and dispensing legend drug or administration supplies.
.456 Immunity from civil liability -- Exceptions.
.458 Required administrative regulations.
.460 Restriction on acceptance or distribution of certain drugs.
.500 Emergency authority for pharmacists during state of emergency -- Executive order -- Time limit -- Actions authorized -- Extension.
.505 Administrative regulations to effectuate authority granted in KRS 315.500(1).
.510 Renumbered as KRS 309.400.
.512 Renumbered as KRS 309.402.
.514 Renumbered as KRS 309.412.
.516 Renumbered as KRS 309.410.
.518 Renumbered as KRS 309.414.
.520 Renumbered as KRS 309.416.
.522 Renumbered as KRS 309.420.
.524 Renumbered as KRS 309.422.
.990 Penalties -- Extradition.
.991 Repealed, 1982.