Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Definitions for chapter.
.020 Activities unlawful without license -- Requirement of licensing -- Application of chapter to owner or builder-developer -- Prohibition against fee splitting -- Exceptions -- Supervision of sales associate -- Authority to seek injunctive relief.
.030 Exceptions to KRS 324.020.
.040 Application for license as broker or sales associate.
.045 Qualifications for license -- Examination -- Fee -- Criminal record check.
.046 Requirements for initial licensure.
.047 Repealed, 1982.
.048 Repealed, 1982.
.050 Repealed, 1982.
.060 Repealed, 1972.
.070 Repealed, 2000.
.080 Form of license certificate -- Delivery.
.085 Continuing education requirements -- Post-licensure education requirements -- Qualifications of instructors -- Administrative regulations.
.090 Expiration of license -- Fine for failure to renew on time -- Expired status.
.092 Repealed, 1980.
.094 Repealed, 1977.
.100 Repealed, 1982.
.105 Repealed, 1982.
.110 Repealed, 1982.
.111 Escrow account of broker -- Interest -- Audit -- Contract deposit release -- Separate property management accounts.
.112 Broker to manage certain branch offices -- Qualified sales associate may manage certain branch offices -- Registration of branch offices -- Filing of licenses -- Temporary affiliation of one principal broker with another.
.115 Brokers required to maintain definite place of business -- Exception for reciprocity agreements.
.116 Repealed, 1960.
.117 Advertising -- Affiliations to be listed -- Administrative regulations of commission.
.120 Repealed, 1942.
.121 Designation of licensee as exclusive agent -- Effect of designation -- Availability of dual agency.
.130 Repealed, 1942.
.140 Repealed, 1982.
.141 Reciprocal licensing between states -- Consent to service of process by nonresident applicant.
.142 Promotion of sales in Kentucky of property located outside state.
.150 Investigation of licensee -- Disciplinary action against licensee --Investigative powers of commission -- Emergency hearings.
.151 Complaints -- Answers.
.160 Sanctions -- Grounds for sanctions.
.162 Agent's duty to disclose.
.165 Prohibited business practices -- Penalties.
.170 Hearing to precede any disciplinary action -- Notice -- Conduct of hearing.
.180 Repealed, 1942.
.190 Repealed, 1996.
.200 Hearing -- Denial of license or any other disciplinary action -- Appeal -- Stay of judgment pending appeal.
.210 Repealed, 1996.
.220 No other license to be issued for five years after revocation.
.230 Revocation or suspension of principal broker's license renders inactive the license of person associated with broker.
.235 Definitions for KRS 324.235 to 324.238.
.236 Engaging in commercial real estate brokerage by out-of-state principal broker and out-of-state licensee.
.237 Notice of affiliation with Kentucky cooperating broker required.
.238 Compliance with KRS 324.160(4) and 324.235 to 324.238 -- Sanctions and penalties.
.240 Repealed, 1942.
.250 Repealed, 1942.
.260 Repealed, 1942.
.270 Repealed, 1942.
.280 Repealed, 1966.
.281 Kentucky Real Estate Commission -- Members -- Terms -- Vacancies -- Duties -- Mandatory continuing education -- Compensation of members -- Staffing needs.
.2811 Automatic removal of member from commission.
.2812 Limitation of commission's jurisdiction.
.282 Election of chairperson -- Rules and regulations.
.283 Repealed, 2017.
.284 Employees -- Office -- Equipment and supplies.
.285 Seal -- Records.
.286 Disposition of fees -- Payment of expenses.
.287 Fees.
.288 Affiliation fee.
.290 Repealed, 1982.
.300 Repealed, 1976.
.310 Delivery of sales associate's license to commission when association terminated -- Placing license in inactive status with commission -- Reactivating license.
.312 Commission's right to return of associate's license -- Sanction for failure to return.
.320 Repealed, 1976.
.330 Notice of change of location, firm name, surname, or associate -- New license.
.340 Repealed, 2000.
.350 Repealed, 1982.
.360 Form for seller's disclosure of conditions.
.395 Errors and omissions insurance mandatory for all active status licensees -- Extended reporting period coverage insurance for inactive licensees.
.400 Real estate education, research, and recovery fund -- Fees.
.410 Purposes of fund.
.420 Collection by aggrieved party from recovery fund.
.425 Closing existing business of deceased or incapacitated principal broker.
.980 Persons to whom KRS Chapter 324 does not apply.
.990 Engaging in real estate brokerage without license -- Penalties.