Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/27/2025 %--span>
.010 Definitions for chapter.
.015 Implementation plans for Federal Civil Rights Act, Title VI by state agencies.
.020 Purposes and construction of chapter -- Effect.
.025 Construction of KRS Chapter 18A.
.030 Definitions for KRS 344.030 to 344.110.
.040 Unlawful discrimination by employers -- Difference in health plan contribution rates for smokers and nonsmokers and benefits for smoking cessation program participants excepted.
.045 Employment practices prohibited.
.050 Discrimination by employment agencies.
.060 Discrimination by labor organizations.
.070 Discrimination in apprenticeship or training.
.080 Regulation of advertisement for employment.
.090 Religion or national origin, employment discrimination not unlawful in certain cases.
.100 Discrimination in wages or conditions not unlawful when made on basis other than race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or age forty and over, or because person is a qualified individual with a disability.
.110 Preference because of imbalance in employment not required.
.120 Refusal to rent or sell public accommodations unlawful.
.130 Definition of "place of public accommodation, resort, or amusement" for chapter -- Exceptions.
.140 Regulation of advertisement of goods, services, and accommodations.
.145 Denial, because of sex, of equal enjoyment of restaurants, hotels, motels or facilities supported by government funds prohibited.
.150 Establishment of commission -- Membership -- Terms.
.160 Members, qualifications, compensation.
.170 Commission's function.
.180 Commission's powers and duties.
.190 Additional powers and duties.
.200 Complaints of discrimination -- Procedure -- Conciliation agreements -- Enforcement.
.210 Notice of complaint -- Hearing procedures.
.220 Repealed, 1996.
.230 Orders of commission -- Nature of affirmative action.
.240 Scope of and procedure for judicial review --Hearing -- Appeal.
.250 Investigations, powers, records, confidential nature of.
.260 Compensation of witnesses.
.270 Commission or court not to take jurisdiction over claim for unlawful practice while claim pending before the other body -- Final determination exclusive.
.280 Conspiracy to violate chapter unlawful.
.290 Conciliation agreements, violation unlawful.
.300 Authorization of cities and counties to prohibit discrimination.
.310 Local human rights commissions.
.320 Powers of local commissions.
.330 Additional powers of local commissions.
.340 Enforcement of local commission orders.
.350 Cooperation between state and local commissions.
.360 Unlawful housing practices -- Design and construction requirements.
.362 Exceptions to unlawful practice of discrimination because of sex.
.365 Exemptions from housing provisions.
.367 Unlawful discrimination in insurance against hazards to a housing accommodation.
.370 Unlawful financial practices.
.372 Prohibition against discrimination or retaliation.
.375 Agency no defense in proceeding against real estate dealer.
.380 Block busting.
.385 Notice of violation by real estate dealer to be given Real Estate Commission -- Notice of violation to state or federal licensing agency.
.400 Unlawful practices in connection with credit transactions -- Exceptions.
.450 Civil remedies for injunction and damages.
.500 Appointment of interpreter for deaf, hard-of-hearing, or speech-impaired person -- Compensation of interpreter.
.510 Commission established -- Members -- Terms -- Executive director.
.515 Commission attached to Governor.
.520 Duties and functions of commission.
.530 Annual report.
.550 Definitions for KRS 344.550 to 344.575.
.555 Prohibition against sex discrimination under any education program receiving state financial assistance -- Exceptions.
.560 Agencies and departments required to effectuate KRS 344.555.
.565 Judicial review.
.570 Effect of KRS 344.550 to 344.575 on existing contractual rights.
.575 Separate living facilities for the two sexes not prohibited.
.600 Complaint on discriminatory housing practice -- Investigation.
.605 Conciliation -- Agreement -- Final investigative report.
.610 Breach of conciliation agreement.
.615 Release and evidentiary use of conciliation information.
.620 Civil action for preliminary or temporary relief -- Effect.
.625 Probable cause determination -- Issuance of charge.
.630 Service of charge.
.635 Election of method for securing relief.
.640 Administrative proceedings.
.645 Final order of commission -- Civil penalty.
.650 Civil action for relief from discriminatory housing practice or breach of conciliation agreement -- Time limitation.
.655 Powers of Circuit Court.
.660 Damages and injunctive relief available.
.665 Institution of civil actions by commission or Attorney General -- Powers of court.
.670 Civil action by commission on behalf of aggrieved person electing judicial proceeding.
.675 Appointment of attorney and award of fees.
.680 Denying access to multiple listing service unlawful.
.990 Conspiracy or violation of confidential records, penalty.