Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 02/14/2025 %--span>
.3-101 Short title.
.3-102 Subject matter.
.3-103 Definitions.
.3-104 Negotiable instrument.
.3-105 Issue of instrument.
.3-106 Unconditional promise or order.
.3-107 Instrument payable in foreign money.
.3-108 Payable on demand or at definite time.
.3-109 Payable to bearer or order.
.3-110 Identification of person to whom instrument is payable.
.3-111 Place of payment.
.3-112 Interest.
.3-113 Date of instrument.
.3-114 Contradictory terms of instrument.
.3-115 Incomplete instrument.
.3-116 Joint and several liability -- Contribution.
.3-117 Other agreements affecting instrument.
.3-118 Statute of limitations.
.3-119 Notice of right to defend action.
.3-120 Repealed, 1997.
.3-121 Repealed, 1997.
.3-122 Repealed, 1997.
.3-201 Negotiation.
.3-202 Negotiation subject to rescission.
.3-203 Transfer of instrument -- Rights acquired by transfer.
.3-204 Indorsement.
.3-205 Special indorsement -- Blank indorsement -- Anomalous indorsement.
.3-206 Restrictive indorsement.
.3-207 Reacquisition.
.3-208 Repealed, 1997.
.3-301 Person entitled to enforce instrument.
.3-302 Holder in due course.
.3-303 Value and consideration.
.3-304 Overdue instrument.
.3-305 Defenses and claims in recoupment.
.3-306 Claims to an instrument.
.3-307 Notice of breach of fiduciary duty.
.3-308 Proof of signatures and status as holder in due course.
.3-309 Enforcement of lost, destroyed, or stolen instrument.
.3-310 Effect of instrument on obligation for which taken.
.3-311 Accord and satisfaction by use of instrument.
.3-312 Lost, destroyed, or stolen cashier's check, teller's check, or certified check.
.3-401 Signature necessary for liability on instrument.
.3-402 Signature by representative.
.3-403 Unauthorized signature.
.3-404 Impostors -- Fictitious payees.
.3-405 Employer's responsibility for fraudulent indorsement by employee.
.3-406 Negligence contributing to forged signature or alteration of instrument.
.3-407 Alteration.
.3-408 Drawee not liable on unaccepted draft.
.3-409 Acceptance of draft -- Certified check.
.3-410 Acceptance varying draft.
.3-411 Refusal to pay cashier's checks, teller's checks, and certified checks.
.3-412 Obligation of issuer of note or cashier's check.
.3-413 Obligation of acceptor.
.3-414 Obligation of drawer.
.3-415 Obligation of indorser.
.3-416 Transfer warranties.
.3-417 Presentment warranties.
.3-418 Payment or acceptance by mistake.
.3-419 Instruments signed for accommodation.
.3-420 Conversion of instrument.
.3-501 Presentment.
.3-502 Dishonor.
.3-503 Notice of dishonor.
.3-504 Excused presentment and notice of dishonor.
.3-505 Evidence of dishonor.
.3-506 Repealed, 1997.
.3-507 Repealed, 1997.
.3-508 Repealed, 1997.
.3-509 Repealed, 1997.
.3-510 Repealed, 1997.
.3-511 Repealed, 1997.
.3-601 Discharge and effect of dishonor.
.3-602 Payment.
.3-603 Tender of payment.
.3-604 Discharge by cancellation or renunciation.
.3-605 Discharge of secondary obligors.
.3-606 Repealed, 1997.
.3-701 Repealed, 1998, retroactive to January 1, 1997.
.3-801 Repealed, 1998, retroactive to January 1, 1997.
.3-802 Repealed, 1998, retroactive to January 1, 1997.
.3-803 Repealed, 1998, retroactive to January 1, 1997.
.3-804 Repealed, 1998, retroactive to January 1, 1997.
.3-805 Repealed, 1998, retroactive to January 1, 1997.