Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Definitions for KRS 387.010 to 387.280.
.020 Jurisdiction of District Courts over guardians, limited guardians, and conservators -- Venue of proceedings.
.025 Application for appointment as guardian, limited guardian, or conservator.
.030 Repealed, 1990.
.032 Matters to be considered by court when making appointment.
.035 Repealed, 1982.
.040 Appointment by will.
.050 Nomination by minor fourteen years of age or older.
.060 Repealed, 1990.
.065 Powers, duties, and responsibilities of guardian.
.070 Bonding of guardian or conservator.
.080 Recovery of damages on bond.
.090 Removal of guardian, limited guardian or conservator.
.100 Inventory of ward's estate.
.110 Repealed, 1976.
.111 Compensation for guardians, limited guardians, and conservators -- Reimbursement for expenses.
.120 Repealed, 1990.
.122 Certain assets subject to withdrawal only upon authorization of court.
.125 Guardian's duty as to use of ward's assets.
.130 Repealed, 1990.
.135 Powers and duties of limited guardian.
.137 Powers and duties of conservator.
.140 Repealed, 1990.
.150 Repealed, 1986.
.160 Repealed, 1986.
.170 Repealed, 1990.
.175 Accountings of the execution of the trust.
.180 Repealed, 1990.
.185 Powers of foreign guardian or conservator.
.190 Repealed, 1990.
.200 Removal of property of ward from state.
.210 Repealed, 1982.
.220 Repealed, 1982.
.230 Repealed, 1982.
.240 Repealed, 1942.
.250 Repealed, 1982.
.260 Repealed, 1982.
.270 Interest charged guardians or conservators.
.278 Settlement agreement by person with legal custody of minor -- Affidavit or verified statement -- Payment -- Withdrawal or transfer from account -- Effect of agreement -- Liability -- Filing for guardianship or conservatorship -- Use of a restricted savings or other restricted investment account or issuance of annuity by financial institutions permitted.
.280 Handling amount of not more than $10,000 due to person under disability who has reached age of 18.
.281 Repealed, 1982.
.282 Repealed, 1982.
.283 Repealed, 1982.
.284 Repealed, 1982.
.285 Repealed, 1982.
.286 Repealed, 1982.
.287 Repealed, 1982.
.288 Repealed, 1982.
.289 Application of KRS 387.010 to 387.280.
.290 Curator for convict -- Appointment -- Powers and duties.
.300 Qualifications of persons suing as next friend -- Liability for costs.
.305 Appointment of guardian ad litem -- Qualifications -- Duties -- Fees.
.320 Curator for property of aged or infirm person, appointed when -- Bond.
.330 Petition for appointment of guardian or conservator conditioned on a contingency.
.500 Declaration of legislative purpose.
.510 Definitions for KRS 387.500 to 387.770 and 387.990.
.520 Jurisdiction of District Courts -- Venue -- KRS 387.810 to 387.854 to govern jurisdiction between Kentucky and other states.
.530 Filing of petition -- Contents -- Application of person or entity desiring appointment.
.540 Interdisciplinary evaluation report.
.550 Hearing date and place -- Notice.
.560 Appointment of counsel for respondent -- Compensation -- Duty of county attorney.
.570 Hearing -- Burden of proof -- Jury trial unless conditions for bench trial are met.
.580 Responsibilities of court or jury during a hearing -- Court determinations upon finding of disability or partial disability.
.590 Types of guardians and conservators to be appointed -- Order of appointment -- Filing of judgment and order -- Legal disabilities -- Rights retained.
.600 Appointment -- Consideration of preference of respondent.
.605 Qualifications for court to consider when appointing a guardian or conservator.
.610 Petition for renewal of appointment -- Accompanying affidavits.
.620 Petition for relief -- Hearing on petition -- Judgment or modification.
.630 Committee to assume duties of guardian -- Powers -- Nullification of adjudication of incompetency.
.640 Duties of limited guardian or guardian.
.650 Assignment of powers and duties to limited guardian by court -- Reporting requirements.
.660 Specific powers and duties of guardian.
.670 Annual report of guardian.
.680 Duties of limited conservator or conservator.
.690 Specific duties of limited conservator or conservator.
.700 Specific powers and duties of conservator.
.710 Filing of inventory by limited conservator or conservator -- Biennial report -- Final report and account.
.720 Surety of limited conservator or conservator.
.730 Testamentary nomination -- Succession of parent as guardian.
.740 Emergency powers of court -- Petition and hearing on emergency appointment.
.750 Standby appointee -- Powers and duties.
.760 Court costs -- Compensation, commission, and reimbursement for expenses.
.770 Confidentiality of records -- Expungement of records -- Disclosure of information, log.
.780 Repealed, 1982.
.790 Court order permitting use of ward's income.
.800 Notices.
.810 Short title.
.812 Definitions for KRS 387.810 to 387.854.
.814 International application of KRS 387.810 to 387.854.
.816 Communication between courts.
.818 Cooperation between courts.
.820 Taking testimony in another state.
.822 Definitions for KRS 387.822 to 387.838 -- Significant connection factors.
.824 Exclusive basis.
.826 Jurisdiction.
.828 Special jurisdiction.
.830 Exclusive and continuing jurisdiction.
.832 Appropriate forum.
.834 Jurisdiction declined by reason of conduct.
.836 Notice of proceeding.
.838 Proceedings in more than one state.
.840 Transfer of guardianship or conservatorship to another state.
.842 Accepting guardianship or conservatorship transferred from another state.
.844 Registration of guardianship orders.
.846 Registration of protective orders.
.848 Effect of registration.
.850 Uniformity of application and construction.
.852 Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act.
.854 Transitional provision.
.855 Guardian or conservator may consider benefits of establishing a special needs trust.
.860 Definitions for KRS 387.855 to 387.910.
.865 Persons who may petition the court to approve a special needs trust.
.870 Contents of petition.
.875 Additional documents or information to accompany petition.
.880 Court's disposition of petition -- Notice -- Guardian ad litem.
.885 Court order establishing trust -- Other matters to be addressed in court order.
.890 Court order modifying existing trust -- Jurisdiction and venue.
.895 Court may allow petitioner to contribute additional assets and income.
.900 Court to determine whether trustee must file settlements.
.910 Purpose of KRS 387.855 to 387.910.
.990 Penalties.