Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Action for recovery of real property -- Fifteen year limitation.
.020 Action for recovery of real property -- Plaintiff under disability.
.030 Action for recovery of real property -- Extension for disability limited -- No extension past thirty years.
.040 Claim not to preserve right of action.
.050 Limitation on action by city on public easement -- On action for possession of public road -- Effect of notice.
.060 Person holding land under adverse title for seven years -- Extension for disability.
.070 Action upon equity of redemption in real property.
.072 Relationship of agricultural and silvicultural operations to law of nuisance and trespass -- Preemption of local ordinances -- Sustainable agriculture and best management practices.
.075 Repealed, 1968.
.080 Action upon equity of redemption in personal property.
.090 Action upon judgment, contract, or bond -- Fifteen-year limitation -- Action for child support arrearages -- Time to commence action tolled until obligations cease as to last child on order.
.100 Lienee not to extend limitation as against purchasers or creditors -- Exceptions.
.110 Action against county on bonded obligation -- Three year limitation -- Action on state warrant -- Two year limitation.
.115 Actions to be brought within three years.
.120 Actions to be brought within five years.
.125 Actions relating to personal property to be brought within two years.
.130 When certain actions in KRS 413.120 accrue.
.135 Action for damages arising out of injury.
.137 Action for damages for injury or illness suffered as a result of female genital mutilation.
.140 Actions to be brought within one year.
.150 Actions by the Commonwealth.
.160 Actions upon written contract or not provided for by statute -- Ten-year limitation.
.170 Limitations of actions in KRS 413.090 to 413.160 do not run until removal of disability or death.
.180 Action by or against personal representative under KRS 413.090 to 413.160.
.190 Result of absence from the state or obstruction of action under KRS 413.090 to 413.160.
.200 Repealed, 1988.
.210 Repealed, 1988.
.220 Sureties who are discharged after seven years.
.230 Sureties who are discharged after five years.
.240 Action against surety -- When limitation does not run.
.241 Legislative finding -- Limitation on liability of licensed sellers or servers of intoxicating beverages -- Liability of intoxicated person.
.242 Prerequisite to action against purchaser or selling agent of equine interest.
.243 "Professional services" defined.
.245 Actions arising out of the rendering, or failure to render, professional services to others.
.246 Action for damages based on professional services rendered by licensed home inspector.
.247 Repealed, 2017.
.248 Repealed, 2017.
.2485 Action relating to injury to or illness of an adult as a result of a sexual offense.
.249 Action relating to childhood sexual abuse or childhood sexual assault.
.250 When action commences.
.260 Effect of injunction or other restraint on limitation.
.265 Validity of agreements extending limitations periods.
.270 Effect of judgment of no jurisdiction -- Application to administrative agencies.
.280 Person under more than one disability.
.290 Limitations only to residents -- Notice.
.300 Plaintiff a citizen of enemy country.
.310 Repealed, 1990.
.320 Cause of action barred here if barred where it accrued.
.330 Action on judgment barred here if barred where rendered -- Exception.
.340 Repealed, 2015.