Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.010 Repealed, 1958.
.020 Repealed, 1958.
.030 Repealed, 1958.
.040 Repealed, 1958.
.110 Definitions.
.120 Qualifications of newspapers.
.130 Times and periods of publication -- Posting of delinquent tax lists.
.140 Contents or form of advertisements.
.145 Alternative Internet and newspaper publication procedures for local governments.
.147 Local government posting on Internet if newspaper makes error in publication or fails to publish.
.150 Person responsible for publishing.
.160 Rates for newspaper advertising required by law.
.170 Proof of publication.
.180 Advertisements of state agencies.
.190 Alternatives to newspaper publication abolished -- Exception -- Information required to be sent to Department for Local Government.
.195 Supplementation of printed notice by broadcast in certain cases.
.200 Repealed, 1960.
.210 Official newspapers abolished.
.215 Advertising by public agencies -- Rates charged.
.220 Financial statements -- Contents -- Publication requirements -- Exempted officers.
.230 Optional monthly or quarterly statements.
.240 County or city budget.
.250 School district budget.
.260 Bids for materials, supplies, equipment, or services -- Exceptions.
.270 Local administrative regulations.
.280 Due date of ad valorem taxes.
.290 Publication of ballots and supplementary material.
.300 Public Service Commission hearings.
.310 Repealed, 2000.
.320 Repealed, 1960.
.330 Publication of lists of delinquent taxes by cities -- Fee allowance.
.340 Publication of notice of fiduciary appointments and date for presentation of creditors' claims.
.350 Repealed, 1960.
.360 Invitation to bid on municipal bonds.
.370 Judicial sale of real property.
.380 Failure to comply with publication requirements.
.990 Penalties.