Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.005 Arrest by peace officers -- By private persons.
.007 Arrest powers of peace officers assisting in another county -- Exception.
.008 Insurance coverage for assistance rendered under KRS 431.007.
.010 Renumbered as KRS 452.510.
.015 Citation for misdemeanor -- Failure to appear.
.017 Appearance bond of prosecuting witness.
.020 Renumbered as KRS 452.620.
.021 Guaranteed arrest bond certificate of surety company to be accepted in lieu of cash bail in traffic cases.
.025 Notice of intention to arrest -- Act of arrest -- Force.
.030 Renumbered as KRS 452.520.
.035 Repealed, 1975.
.040 Renumbered as KRS 452.530.
.045 Pursuit in effecting arrest.
.050 Renumbered as KRS 452.560.
.055 Pursuit to recapture escapee.
.060 Felonies, misdemeanors and violations defined.
.062 Detention in jail prior to trial prohibited for certain offenses, exceptions.
.063 Human trafficking victim not to be incarcerated pending trial -- Exceptions.
.064 Pretrial release of person arrested for assault, sexual offense, or violation of protective order -- Conditions -- Hearing -- Victim entitled to copy of conditions of release -- Entry of conditions into Law Information Network -- Penalty.
.065 Repealed, 1975.
.066 Pretrial release and bail options of verified and eligible defendant -- Assessment of flight risk, likelihood of appearing at trial, and risk of danger -- Credit toward bail for time in jail.
.067 Participation in global positioning monitoring system program as condition of pretrial release.
.068 Use of alcohol monitoring device as condition of pretrial release.
.070 Repealed, 1975.
.073 Certain felony convictions may be vacated and the records expunged -- Application -- Hearing -- Vacating conviction without a hearing -- Order to vacate and expunge -- Application form -- Fees -- Retroactivity.
.074 Index of expungement orders -- Restricted access.
.075 Repealed, 1975.
.076 Expungement of criminal records for those acquitted of crimes, for whom charges have been dismissed but not in exchange for a guilty plea to another charge, or against whom charges have not resulted in an indictment or an information filed by the Commonwealth's attorney -- Effects of an order of expungement -- Expungement by court or upon petition of person charged -- Exception for records in the custody of the Department for Community Based Services.
.078 Expungement of misdemeanor, violation, and traffic infraction records of convictions and dismissed or amended charges.
.079 Petition or application seeking expungement to include certification of eligibility for expungement from Department of Kentucky State Police and Administrative Office of the Courts -- Administrative regulations -- Construction.
.0795 Expungement fund.
.080 Conviction of felony does not bar civil remedy.
.082 Civil action by victim against defendant -- Damages -- Construction.
.090 Repealed, 1975.
.095 Process, execution on Sunday.
.100 Withholding of money payable by Commonwealth to defendant in satisfaction of money judgment in criminal proceeding -- Fines and forfeitures go to Commonwealth -- Disposition of fines from offenses relating to alcohol and to criminal littering -- Monetary penalties payable to person other than circuit clerk -- Notice to defendant required.
.102 Repealed, 2002.
.105 State to receive fines and forfeitures for certain height, width, length, and weight violations.
.110 Repealed, 1978.
.120 Person first suing entitled to certain fines and forfeitures.
.130 Confinement in penitentiary, county jail or workhouse -- Nature.
.140 Repealed, 1990.
.150 Repealed, 1975.
.155 Repealed, 1975.
.160 Repealed, 1975.
.170 Repealed, 1975.
.180 Repealed, 1975.
.190 Repealed, 1975.
.200 Reparation for property stolen or damaged, from person convicted.
.210 Return of property stolen if accused does not appear.
.213 Definitions for KRS 431.213, 431.2135, and 431.240.
.2135 Procedure for challenging condemned person's sanity.
.215 Conveyance of prisoner to institution of confinement.
.216 Repealed, 1975.
.218 Date of execution of condemned -- Copy of mandate to proper officer.
.220 Execution of death sentence.
.223 Method of execution in event of unconstitutionality of KRS 431.220.
.224 Retroactive applicability.
.230 Renumbered as KRS 431.215.
.240 Time of execution -- Governor to fix time in case of insanity, pregnancy, or escape -- Administrative hearings -- Transfer to forensic psychiatric facility in case of insanity.
.250 Persons who may attend executions.
.260 Warden's return on judgment.
.270 Delivery or burial of body.
.350 Repealed, 1980.
.400 Summons to issue in case of accidental homicide by motor vehicle.
.410 When issuance of summons is mandatory.
.420 City police to serve warrant, when.
.450 Uniform citation.
.4505 Modification of uniform citation to include alcohol concentration and testing information.
.451 Repealed, 2000.
.452 Prepayment of fines subject to certain conditions.
.455 Prohibitions -- Penalty.
.510 Bail bondsman and charitable bail organization -- Prohibitions.
.515 Pretrial release investigation and services -- Provision of information on services and programs for combat veterans.
.517 Authorization for home incarceration as a form of pretrial release -- Court ordered participation of global positioning monitoring system -- Costs.
.518 Pretrial release of felony drug offender or felony offender with a history of substance abuse -- Conditions.
.520 Release on personal recognizance or unsecured bail bond -- Conditions of release.
.523 Bail for nonresidents charged with driving under the influence.
.525 Conditions for establishing amount of bail -- Pilot projects for controlled substance or alcohol abuse testing.
.530 Deposit of bail security -- Payments into public advocate special account -- Return of deposit when innocent or charges dropped or dismissed.
.5305 Jailer permitted to prepare or accept bail bond -- Fee -- Reporting.
.531 Statement of collections to be filed -- Funds to be sent to State Treasury -- Certification of amounts and publication of annual audit by administrative office of the courts.
.532 Bail deposits by person other than defendant.
.535 Cash, stocks, bonds, or real estate as security for bail.
.540 Uniform schedule of amounts of bail in designated nonviolent Class D felonies, misdemeanors, and violations.
.545 Forfeiture of bail; Prosecution.
.550 Penalty for KRS 431.510 to 431.545.
.570 Definition of "crime stoppers organization."
.575 Duties of organization.
.580 Circuit Court order required for production of reports -- Records of reports confidential.
.585 Unlawful disclosure of information.
.590 Repayment by convicted defendant of all or part of reward paid by organization.
.595 Assessment of repayment ordered as cost -- Time of repayment -- Court clerk's duties.
.597 Agreement of affiliation between county and crime stoppers organization -- Funding.
.600 Coordination of child sexual abuse investigations and prosecutions -- Protection of and counseling for child victims.
.650 Kentucky Multidisciplinary Commission on Child Sexual Abuse.
.660 Duties and powers of commission.
.670 Attachment of commission to Office of the Attorney General.