Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 03/28/2025 %--span>
.005 Venue for civil claims against the Commonwealth -- Change of venue -- Certification of service on Attorney General -- Notice -- Legislative intent -- Requirement of consent to be named as party -- Legislative immunity or privilege. (See LRC Note below)
.010 Grounds for change of venue.
.020 Notice to adverse party.
.030 Application for change of venue -- Hearing -- Witnesses -- Decision.
.040 Not more than one change of venue allowed each party.
.050 Order changing venue -- To what county.
.060 Transfer of papers on change of venue.
.070 Order void unless expense of removal paid in ten (10) days.
.080 When removed case stands for trial.
.090 Power of court to which action removed.
.100 Repealed, 1952.
.105 Transfer of case on party's motion upon determination of improper venue.
.110 Application of KRS 452.010 to 452.090.
.160 Repealed, 1978.
.170 Repealed, 1978.
.180 Repealed, 1978.
.210 Change of venue to secure fair trial.
.220 Application by state or defendant, how made and determined.
.230 Removal from county in state of lawlessness.
.240 Not more than one change of venue allowed each party.
.250 Transfer of papers on change of venue.
.260 Proceedings when defendant is in custody or on bail.
.270 Recognizances of witnesses -- Preparation for trial.
.280 Power of court to which action removed.
.290 Retransfer to original county after state of lawlessness ends.
.300 Who may make motion for retransfer.
.310 Retransfer of papers.
.320 Proceedings on retransfer when defendant is in custody.
.330 Recognizances of witnesses on retransfer -- Preparation for trial.
.340 Repealed, 1978.
.350 Application of KRS 452.210 to 452.330.
.360 Repealed, 1978.
.400 Certain actions concerning realty to be brought in county where land is situated.
.405 Where action for recovery of fine or forfeiture, against public officer or on official bond must be brought.
.410 Where action concerning will must be brought.
.415 Where action involving estate of deceased persons or assigned estates must be brought.
.420 Where action for distribution, partition or sale of decedent's estate must be brought.
.425 Where action by ward against guardian must be brought.
.430 Where action against Kentucky Board of Education must be brought.
.435 Where action against prisoner or asylum inmate must be brought.
.440 Where action upon return of "no property found" to be brought.
.445 Where action against bank or insurance company may be brought.
.450 Where tort or contract action against corporation must be brought.
.453 Where action against tobacco growers and warehousemen must be brought.
.455 Where action against common carrier upon contract to carry property or for tort must be brought.
.460 Where action for injury to person, property or character must be brought.
.465 Where action against persons constructively summoned must be brought.
.470 Where action for maintenance or dissolution must be brought.
.475 Where action against contractor for public work may be brought.
.480 Where transitory action may be brought.
.485 When judgment in transitory action not to be rendered against single defendant.
.490 When judgment in transitory action not to be rendered against several defendants -- Bankruptcy.
.495 When defendant in transitory action is immune from summons.
.500 Removal of defendant after commencement of action.
.505 Revenue and fiscal cases.
.510 Criminal prosecutions.
.520 River or road dividing counties.
.530 Rivers along state boundary.
.540 Person in one county, offense in another.
.550 Offense partly in one county and partly in another.
.560 Injury in one county, death in another.
.570 Accessory in one county, offense committed in another.
.580 Property unlawfully obtained in one county, brought through another.
.590 Property transported into state.
.600 Kidnapping, seizing or confining person.
.610 Publishing libelous matter in newspaper.
.620 Doubt as to where offense committed.
.630 Prosecution where process for arrest first issued.
.650 Waiver of venue.
.700 Applicability of chapter to actions in District Court -- Exception.