Kentucky Revised Statutes
Includes enactments through the 2024 Regular Session
Chapter titles, centered headings, section catchlines, and explanatory notes are for informational purposes only and do not constitute any part of the law. For general laws governing construction of statutes, see KRS Chapter 446. %--span>
The KRS database was last updated on 02/14/2025 %--span>
.010 Legislative purpose.
.020 Definitions for chapter.
.023 Evidence to be considered in determining the best interest of a child.
.025 Jurisdictional precedence.
.027 District Court's concurrent jurisdiction for child custody and visitation in permanent placement cases.
.029 Duties of cabinet relating to children who are victims of human trafficking -- Reporting requirements.
.030 Duty to report dependency, neglect, abuse, human trafficking, or female genital mutilation -- Husband-wife and professional-client/patient privileges not grounds for refusal to report -- Statewide reporting system -- Exceptions -- Penalties.
.032 Annual report by cabinet detailing reports received regarding female genital mutilation -- Monthly report by cabinet detailing child protective services intakes received.
.040 Duties of prosecutor, police, and cabinet -- Prohibition as to school personnel -- Procedures -- Military status of parent or legal guardian -- Multidisciplinary teams.
.045 Funding for regional children's advocacy center.
.048 Cabinet to file petition within 72 hours if child remains placed outside of home during child protective services investigation -- Cabinet to report on safety plans.
.050 Immunity for good-faith actions or reports -- Investigations -- Confidentiality of reports -- Exceptions -- Parent's access to records -- Sharing of information by children's advocacy centers -- Confidentiality of interview with child -- Exceptions -- Confidentiality of identifying information regarding reporting individual -- Internal review and report -- Waiver -- Medical diagnostic procedures -- Sharing information with relatives -- Interaction among siblings who are not jointly placed.
.051 Background check of child abuse and neglect records -- Fee -- Central registry -- Administrative regulations.
.052 Provision of information to parent or legal guardian concerning community service programs for families in crisis when child protection investigation does not result in out-of-home placement of a child.
.055 External child fatality and near fatality review panel -- Creation -- Members -- Meetings -- Duties -- Responsibilities -- Information required to be provided to members -- Report and response -- Annual reports -- Confidentiality -- Destruction of information following conclusion of panel's examination -- Application of open records and open meetings law -- Limitation of liability -- Proceedings are privileged -- Annual evaluation of panel's work.
.060 Emergency custody orders.
.070 Dependency, neglect, or abuse action -- Service of petition and summons -- Contents of summons.
.072 Unannounced home visits concerning abused or neglected child -- Conditions requiring -- Request for assistance in gaining access to child.
.080 Temporary removal hearing.
.090 Temporary custody orders.
.095 Restriction on placement of nonoffender.
.100 Appointment of separate counsel -- Court-appointed special advocate volunteer -- Full adjudicatory hearing -- Notice of proceedings -- Separate counsel to advise cabinet employee.
.110 Petition for immediate entitlement to custody.
.120 Criminal charges tried separately.
.125 Testimony in adjudication not admissible in criminal proceeding except for purposes of impeachment.
.130 Alternatives to removal from custody.
.140 Dispositional alternatives.
.142 Custodial, permanency, and service options available to relative or fictive kin caregiver of an abused, neglected, or dependent child -- Application timeframe for relative or fictive kin caregiver to become a relative or fictive kin foster parent.
.145 Cabinet's assessment of child's educational needs.
.146 Notice to be given to school personnel of persons authorized to contact or remove a child of whom the cabinet has custody from school grounds.
.150 Visitation.
.155 Appeals.
.157 Repealed, 2020.
.160 Motion to seal child's record.
.170 Voluntary commitments.
.180 Administrative regulations.
.190 Citizen foster care review boards -- Local citizen foster care review boards.
.200 Support services for local citizen foster care review boards.
.210 Training of board members.
.220 Information to Administrative Office of the Courts Citizen Foster Care Review Board Program.
.230 Case permanency plans.
.240 Case progress reports.
.250 Local citizen foster care review board's access to records.
.260 Conflict of interest.
.270 Scope of review of local citizen foster care review board -- Regional forums.
.280 Employees of cabinet and other agencies to appear at local board meetings.
.290 Board's findings and recommendations -- Report on children frequently moved.
.300 Repealed, 1992.
.310 State Citizen Foster Care Review Board established.
.320 Duties of State Citizen Foster Care Review Board.
.330 Support services for State Citizen Foster Care Review Board.
.340 Reports from local boards to state board.
.345 Repealed, 2023.
.350 Abandoned newborn infant -- Emergency custody order -- No investigation of abandonment -- Placement in foster home -- Inquiry to ensure that infant is not missing child -- Involuntary termination of parental rights.
.355 Information form for person who leaves infant -- Media campaign.
.360 Rights and responsibilities of foster parents -- Training of person investigating abuse or neglect in foster homes -- Foster parent approval -- Nonliability of cabinet.
.363 Rights of foster child.
.365 Notification when child in foster care is to be moved or reunified with family.
.500 Definitions for KRS 620.500 to 620.550.
.505 Court-appointed special advocate program -- Local board of directors -- Program director -- CASA volunteers.
.510 Support services and funding for CASA programs.
.512 Kentucky CASA network fund -- Creation and administration.
.515 Minimum requirements for CASA volunteer -- Training -- Oath.
.520 Information available to program directors and CASA volunteers.
.525 Duties of CASA volunteers.
.530 Court-Appointed Special Advocate Association.
.535 Duties of association.
.537 Director of association -- Qualifications -- Duties.
.540 Support services and funding for board.
.545 Reports from CASA programs.
.550 Notification of treatment planning conferences and reviews.
.990 Penalty.