Canteen accounts, annual appropriation - HB 114
Costs of detention, make court of justice responsible if trial not held within specified time - HB 187: HFA (2)
DNA collection, any felony - HB 507
Elected officials, salary upon reemployment after retirement - HB 132
Establish task force on county jails - HB 187: HCS
Immigrants, criminal justice provisions relating to - HB 164
![](dot.gif) and prisoners, certain sexual conduct prohibited - HB 140: HFA (1)
![](dot.gif) and prisoners, prohibition on sexual conduct with - HB 140
![](dot.gif) and prisoners, sexual conduct prohibited - HB 140: HCS
Inmates, HIV AIDS testing - SB 201: SFA (1)
Jail canteen account, exclude urban-county government and consolidated local government - HB 114: HFA (1)
Jailers, account settlement - SB 173; HB 551
Medical expenses incurred for prisoners, cap on reimbursements for - HB 357
![](dot.gif) for holding state prisoners before conviction - HB 187
![](dot.gif) for medical costs, establish limits - HB 187: HCS
Require providers participating in Medicaid to provide services to county jail inmates - HB 187: HFA (1)
Salary and benefits if reemployed after retirement - HB 317