Bicycles, helmet use required for persons under the age of 16 - HB 169
Brent Spence Bridge, urge Congress to accelerate funding for replacement - SR 17; HR 40
Contacting victims of mining disasters, 60-day limitation for - HB 207: HFA (1)
Inspections of coal mines, different types of, flexibility for conduct of - HB 207: HFA (11)
Kentucky Boxing and Wrestling Authority, Greg Page Boxing and Safety Initiative - HCR 194
 the scene of an accident - HB 76: HCS
 property, program for cleanup - HB 94: HFA (1)
 property, program for cleanup of - HB 94; HB 94: HCS
 emergency technician, small and large mines, provisions for - HB 207: HFA (9)
 safety, requirements and penalties for - HB 207
Officer Landry Collett, honoring for awards received for apprehending impaired drivers - HR 132
OMSL investigations, subpoena power, limitation of - HB 207: HFA (7)
Require findings be reported by December 1, 2007 - HCR 70
Retreat mining or pillaring plan, operator responsibility for - HB 207: HFA (10)
Safety bulletin, use of fatality reports for, issuance to - HB 207: HFA (8)
Self-extinguishing cigarettes, fire safety performance standards - HB 278: HCS
Social worker safety, improvements for - HB 362; HB 362: SCS, SFA (1), HCS (1),(2), HFA (1), CCR, FCCR