
911 Service charge, permit local government to designate collection agent other than phone provider

Analog television broadcast signals, maintain availability thereof

Automated calling equipment or recorded political message by a party or campaign, prohibit use of

Broadcast radio and television towers, exemption from property tax

Cell phones, permit use in case of emergency

Cell phones, use by driver with instruction permit or intermediate driver's license, prohibition

Emergency call center funding, study of

Funding of emergency 911 call centers, study of

Harassing communications, add Internet, increase penalty

Internet, regulations relating to

Missing impaired adults, improve rescue squads and searches for

Missing impaired adults, rescue squads and searches for

Multichannel video programming, taxation of service

On-line publication of reports, Cabinet for Economic Development

Personal telecommunication device, meaning of

Prerecorded political messages, enforcement of

Prerecorded political messages, prohibited unsolicited telephone solicitation of

Radio and TV towers, change in property tax on

Sex offense with minor, electronic communication

Text messaging, prohibited while operating a motor vehicle

Underground facilities, damage protection thereof

Unsolicited fax, unauthorized wireless text message solicitations, prohibitions and penalty

Unsolicited fax, unlawful to transmit advertisement without business relationship

Wireless device, use prohibited while operating a motor vehicle

Last updated: 8/28/2019 8:09 AM (EDT)