Studies Directed

Bonding requirements of the state

Centralized voting centers

Chronic kidney disease, create task force to study

Cloned meat, dairy, poultry, task force to study

Cloned meat, poultry, and dairy, study of

Cost of textbooks, LRC study of

Curricula and instructional time

Deer population control, problems, direct agency study

Deer study, set report dates

Deferred deposit transactions

Driver's License Issuance Task Force, establish

Emergency call center funding, study of

Employer Sanctions Task Force, creation of

Energy portfolio standards, study, Governor's Office of Energy Policy

Equine trails, report on availability

Executive branch procurement system, study of

Funding of emergency 911 call centers, study

Homestead exemption, formation of special subcommittee to review

Jails, state takeover, study

Kentucky Penal Code, study of

Kentucky's response to the needs of children with Sensory Processing Disorders, study of

Local government insurance premium taxes, task force on

Local license and occupational taxes

Methane venting for existing water wells, EPPC to conduct study of

Oversight of charitable gaming

Penal Code, Kentucky, commission to study

Personnel Cabinet, feasibility of background and reference checks on applicants

Personnel Cabinet, feasibility of background and reference checks on applications

Postsecondary education, student transfer, study of

Preschool, study quality factors

Property valuation administrator, office staffing, study

Prosthetist, orthotist, pedorthist, and orthotic fitter licensure, direct LRC staff study of

Road fund, require study of

Small business support

State debt policies and practices, study of

State-owned facilities, capital renewal, maintenance and renovation of

State-owned facilities, report on, addition of state budget director as preparer

Student financial aid programs, Legislative Research Commission staff study of

Student financial aid, Task Force to study

Students with disabilities, sports programs for

Surgical technology study, regulating the practice of

Task Force on Municipal Classification, create

Task force on statewide jail consolidation

Task force on statewide jail consolidation, creation of

Teachers' working environment, proposals for enhancing

Workers' compensation, AMA Guides, usage of

Last updated: 8/28/2019 8:09 AM (EDT)