
911 Communications, procedure for release of

Adopt charter county government, modify procedure

Aliens, unauthorized, hiring prohibition

Amend KRS 67.750 to update the reference to the Internal Revenue Code

Animal cruelty, care of seized animals

Centralized voting centers, study of

CERS, remove employer contribution and health care reimbursement for reemployed retirees

Charter, ad valorem taxes, administration, compensating tax rate and recall provisions

Charter county governments, include in recall provisions for ad valorem taxes

Charter county merger commission, local government membership

City opt out, charter county government, merger commission process

Community rehabilitation programs, purchases from, preference for

Conduct of elections, pilot program for early voting

County agricultural councils, expand, set terms for

County consolidation, process for

County Employees Retirement System, definition of "seasonal employee"

County employees retirement system, definition of seasonal position

County Employees Retirement System, establish 10 year phase-in to fully fund retiree health benefits

County ordinances or regulations regulating body piercing and tattooing, prohibition of

Court house facilities, provision of by counties

Development fees

Economic incentives for large scale dairy farms, study of

Elections, study of early voting and extended time periods for voting

Emergency services personnel, line of duty, deaths and injuries, benefits for

Employment verification, nationality

Explosives, storage of, prohibit in certain areas in a consolidate local government

Fire protection boundaries, study of

Fire subdistricts, dissolution and governance of

Firefighters Foundation Program Fund, increase stipend amount

Firefighters totally disabled in line of duty, CPI adjustment to insurance payments

Funding and operation of jails

Governmental facilities for recreational purposes, requirement for liability insurance

Health boards, composition of

Health care costs, correctional facilities and jails, limitation of

Highway infrastructure authority, technical corrections to

Home rule, allow for pool safety regulations

Horseback riding trails, direct Fish and Wildlife to designate

Hospitals, patient transport to by ambulance service

Infrastructure authorities, approval of development agreement

Jail prisoners, medical treatment of

Jailer, blue lights, use of

KLEEP Fund, transfer administration to DOCJT and increase stipend amount

Landlord tenant act, supplemental local ordinances

Local development areas, termination date, extension to 30 years

Local economic development areas, allow time extension in specific cases

Local government economic development fund, use of

Local infrastructure authority, creation of

Oaths, retired and senior justices and judges, administration by

Occupational license taxes, definition of Internal Revenue Code

Officers, oaths, remove two-year denial of office penalty for failure to take oath under KRS 62.010

Ordinances, procedure for enactment and amendment

Ordinances, procedures for amendment, publication and enactment

Planning and zoning, subdivision, definition of

Planning and zoning, subdivision of land for agricultural purposes, definition of new street

Professional firefighters, physical agility test

Professional firefighters, supplement, wages, overtime

Property tax collections, omnibus revisions

Property taxes, remove officer liability

Public infrastructure and highway construction

Public referendum for charter county formation

Public referendum procedure for charter county formation

Public transportation infrastructure authority, local input to

Radon exposure, policies minimizing exposure of, encouragement of

Real property owned by air board having scenic easements, length of covenant

Regional wastewater commissions, counties, establishment of

Sales tax rebate, allow for multipurpose facilities operated by public entities

Service fee, notice for alleged theft by deception

Sheriff, county clerk, and PVA, allow offices in areas other than county seat

Sheriff, county clerk and PVA moving office to require vote

Sheriff, county clerk and PVA require vote to move offices

Sheriff, county clerks, PVA offices in areas other than county seat

Tax base coordination agreements between cities and counties

Tax increment financing, requirements for

Tax on wages, 50% remitted to city of residence

Transient room tax, clarification of tax base

Transportation Infrastructure Authority, require local agreement for financing plan

Unauthorized aliens, hiring of, eligibility verification

Video lottery terminals, county referendum on placement of

Last updated: 8/28/2019 8:17 AM (EDT)