Last Action | signed by Governor (Act ch. 30) |
Title | AN ACT relating to brownfield redevelopment and making an appropriation therefor. |
Bill Documents |
Bill Request Number | 386 |
Sponsor | B. Leeper |
Summary of Original Version | Create new section of KRS 224 to establish the brownfield redevelopment fund in the State Treasury; specify that the funds shall be used to make grants and loans to governmental agencies for brownfield assessments, corrective action, and demolition or other actions to restore the property to beneficial use; allow the cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations; specify the sources of moneys that can be credited to the fund; and allow the cabinet to enter into agreements with federal and state agencies to carry out the provisions of the bill. |
Index Headings of Original Version |
Environment and Conservation - Brownfield redevelopment fund, establishment of Hazardous Materials - Brownfield redevelopment fund, corrective action, establishment of Pollution - Brownfield redevelopment fund, site clean up, establishment of |
Proposed Amendments |
House Floor Amendment 1 House Floor Amendment 2 |
Votes | Vote History |
01/06/09 |
01/08/09 |
02/11/09 |
02/12/09 |
02/23/09 |
02/24/09 |
02/25/09 |
03/03/09 |
03/09/09 |
03/10/09 |
03/11/09 |
03/20/09 |
Amendment | House Floor Amendment 1 |
Piggyback? | Yes |
Sponsor | R. Webb |
Summary | Attach the provisions of SB 63, except remove definition of "cathode ray tube"; remove "cathode ray tube" from definition of "covered electronic device"; remove "computer processing unit" and "laptop" from the definition of "covered electronic device" and replace with "computer"; remove "mobile phone" from definition of "covered electronic device"; remove "television" from definition of "covered electronic device"; provide a specific exemption for motorcycles and television-top boxes from the definition of "covered electronic device"; replace the specific exemption for visual displays that are not separate from a larger piece of equipment with a specific exemption for visual displays that are not separate from automobiles; remove definitions of "mobile phone" and "television"; increase the minimum number of covered electronic devices assembled in one year from 100 to 500 before the assembler meets the definition of "manufacturer"; provide that persons who manufacturer fewer than 5,000 covered electronic devices pay a registration fee of $2,500 and those who manufacturer 5,000 or more covered electronic devices pay a registration fee of $5,000; add language to clarify that manufacturers must provide for the takeback of their covered electronic devices without charging a fee at the time the devices are collected; add language to clarify that mail-back programs, if provided, may not charge a fee at the time the devices are mailed. |
Index Headings |
Environment and Conservation - Brownfield redevelopment fund, establishment of Hazardous Materials - Brownfield redevelopment fund, corrective action, establishment of Pollution - Brownfield redevelopment fund, site clean up, establishment of |
Amendment | House Floor Amendment 2 |
Sponsor | R. Webb |
Summary | Make title amendment. |
Index Headings |
Environment and Conservation - Brownfield redevelopment fund, establishment of Hazardous Materials - Brownfield redevelopment fund, corrective action, establishment of Pollution - Brownfield redevelopment fund, site clean up, establishment of |
Last updated: 8/28/2019 8:17 AM (EDT)