Actuarial Analysis

CERS, allow certain agencies to opt out of participation in the state health plan

Convergence insufficiency, oculomotor dysfunction, & strabismus intermittent, health plans, to add

Department of Corrections, employees transferred from KCTCS, additional benefits to

DUI, responsibility for testing costs

Justice Cabinet, required participation in hazardous duty retirement for juvenile justice workers

Kentucky Asset Liability Commission, funding stabilization contributions permitted

Kentucky Department of Education, Kentucky Charter School Advisory Committee, establishment of

Kentucky Retirement Systems, administration of qualified domestic relations orders

Kentucky Retirement Systems, composition of board and investment committee

Kentucky Retirement Systems, final compensation, determination of

Kentucky Retirement Systems, housekeeping bill

Kentucky Retirement Systems, qualified domestic relations orders, administration of

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, funding plan for retired teacher health benefits

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement system, omnibus bill

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, omnibus bill

Legislative retirement, no consolidation of accounts under various systems for members

Legislative retirement, no consolidation of plans if retire after effective date of Act

Legislators' Retirement Plan, close plan to new entrants and establish new plan

Legislators' Retirement Plan, excess benefit plan, creation

Medical insurance for teachers, shared costs

Medical insurance, Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System retirees, funds for

Peace Officer Professional Standards, retirement, recertification after

Personnel Cabinet, allow certain agencies to opt out of participation in the state health plan

Personnel Cabinet, allow retirees reemployed after 9/1/2008 participation in life insurance benefits

Reduce salary by ten percent, the legislative and judicial branch, mandate elected persons within

Retirement, contribution for

Retirement Systems, require boards to establish securities litigation policy

Last updated: 8/28/2019 7:34 AM (EDT)