State Employees

American made uniforms and safety equipment to be acquired

Cabinet for Health & Family Services, Executive Orders 2009-513, 2009-541, 2009-661, & 2009-770

Certain nonmerit positions, five year limit on

Classified position, employment of person in

Commonwealth mentors, paid leave for

Compensatory time, payments for, limits on

Convergence insufficiency, oculomotor dysfunction, & strabismus intermittent, health plans, to add

Deferred compensation, electronic transactions permitted

Department of Corrections, certain KCTCS employees teaching inmates, transfer of

Department of Corrections, KCTCS employees teaching inmates, transfer of

Employees, gender neutral, reference to

Executive branch budget, amendments to

Geologist registration for state and local employees, effective date for requirement of

Health insurance, autism spectrum disorders, coverage for

Health insurance, dependent coverage based on income

Health insurance, wellness activities

Juvenile Justice, required participation in hazardous duty retirement coverage

Kentucky Retirement Systems, housekeeping bill

Legislative Research Commission, employee suggestion system, urge creation of

Merit employees, formerly unclassified, probationary period of

Merit employees, formerly unclassified, probationary period of, increase in

Merit employees, nonpartisan elected offices, running for

Merit employees, personnel actions affecting, change in definition of

National Guard members, benefits when injured while on state active duty

Number of state employees, require secretary of Personnel Cabinet to report on

Number of state employees, require Secretary of Personnel Cabinet to report on

Omnibus collective bargaining bill

Organ donation, nonrefundable tax credit, provide for

Personnel Board, classified employee members, election of

Personnel Board elections, procedures for, changes to

Personnel Cabinet, secretary to report number of state employees, requirement

Salary of state officials, constitutional amendment establishing commission to set

Social service workers, safety and caseload provisions for

State/Executive Branch Budget

State/Executive Branch Budget Memorandum

Uniforms or other wearing apparel, safety equipment or protective accessories, purchase of

Veterans hiring preference, expansion of

Veterans interviews, requirement for

Whistleblower law, violations, expansion of

Last updated: 8/28/2019 7:34 AM (EDT)